The Christian Thinker

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Asteroids, Meteors, and the End Times

It is a common belief among many Christians that during the apocalypse objects from space (like asteroids) will fall to the earth and cause massive destruction. In Revelation 6:13 we...

Did Caesar Augustus order a universal census? (Luke 2:1)

The Gospel of Luke (2:1) records that before Jesus was born Emperor Augustus issued a census to be made throughout “the entire Roman world.” Bible skeptics have argued that this...

Are there Two Creation Accounts in Genesis?

This essay seeks to answer the common belief that the Bible contains two creation accounts in the book of Genesis that contradict each other. To put it bluntly, I do...

The Garden of Eden Explained

The Garden of Eden. It was here that the Bible records the creation of the first human couple, where Adam named the animals, and where the serpent tempted Adam &...

Was Thomas Jefferson a Christian? (New Essay)

[Author’s note: This is the second essay that I have written about the religious beliefs of Thomas Jefferson. Some readers of the first article strongly disagreed with my conclusion that...