The Christian Thinker

All posts by: Matt McClellan

Is Faith Blind?

One of the most common beliefs about religion in the modern world is that faith is blind. That is, faith is not based on scientific or rational thought, but is...

Where will Gog of Magog Come From?

In another article, I presented the argument that Gog of Magog is the Antichrist.[1] That article laid the groundwork for our current topic: Where will Gog come from? The most...

Is Gog of Magog the Antichrist?

One of the most controversial figures in the prophetic texts of the Bible is Gog of Magog.[1] Appearing in Ezekiel 38 and 39, he is presented as invading the land...

Daniel 2 and the Antichrist

One of the most interesting and popular topics about the End Times is the identity and origin of the Antichrist.[1] Scripture does not give us a lot of information about...

Did Jephthah Sacrifice his Daughter?

One of the major arguments put forth against Christianity is that it is backward and barbaric. Arguments in this category range anywhere from the injustice of hell, the presence of...

Where was the Garden of Eden?

What if I told you that the Garden of Eden cannot be located on a map today.[1] Of course, skeptics will agree. But I am not saying that the Garden...

Heaven according to the Bible

What comes to your mind when you think of Heaven?[1] Floating around on some clouds playing harps; wearing nothing but white for all eternity? These are only a few of...

A Donald Trump Victory will not stop the Liberal Agenda

This November Americans will once again go to the voting booth to decide who the next president of the United States will be. It is very apparent that this election...

The Rapture and 1 Corinthians 15

Whenever you study the question of the rapture, you are bound to run into 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. In these verses Paul says, “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will...

The Rapture in Revelation 3:10

One of the most well-known verses in the Rapture debate is Revelation 3:10. This verse says, “Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you...