The Christian Thinker

All posts by: Matt McClellan

Christians and Muhammad Cartoons

As many of you are probably aware there have been two major events recently that concern visual representations of Muhammad throughout the United States. The first one, in Texas, ended...

Does the Bible condone paying for a bride like property? (A look at the Bride-Price)

Throughout Scripture there are events, customs, and many other things that are generally seen as backward to a modern reader. One of these appears in Genesis 34:12, Exodus 22:16, and...

Christian Polygamy? (Part 4 – The Polygamists)

The topic of Christian polygamy is controversial. Throughout this series I have been examining the arguments put forth by those who accept polygamy and have so far come to the...

Christian Polygamy? (Part 3 – OT Law Continued)

In part 2 of this series, I examined the teachings of Leviticus 18:18 and Deuteronomy 17:17. In the first part, I looked at what Jesus and Paul said about the...

Christian Polygamy? (Part 1 – New Testament)

The institution of marriage seems to be in the public eye all the time today. Usually, it is with the topic of same-sex marriage, but there are other ways that...

Christian Polygamy? (Part 2 – OT Law)

In the first article[1] in this series, I discussed if the teachings of Jesus and Paul had any insight to the issue of polygamy. In my opinion, they did, and...

Daniel 2: the First or Second Coming of Christ?

The book of Daniel is perhaps one of the most read books in the Bible. The obvious reason is its connection to end-time prophecy. In Daniel, we have sections concerning...

King Saul’s Contradiction

Almost everywhere they look in Scripture skeptics believe they have found a contradiction. In this article I want to look at an alleged contradiction concerning Saul, the first God appointed king...

Was Jesus Created? (A Look at Colossians 1:15)

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” Colossians 1:15 This is one of those verses in Scripture that can cause confusion. This verse seems...

Could the Antichrist come from a Nation that does not exist yet?

The origins of the Antichrist is perhaps one of the most popular topics among Christians. Over the years there have been many different theories ranging from an Antichrist that lived...