[Author’s note: This is the second essay that I have written about the religious beliefs of Thomas Jefferson. Some readers of the first article strongly disagreed with my conclusion that...
One of the most popular beliefs in America today is something called relativism. Often referred to as postmodernism by many, relativism is the “general denial of objective truth.”[1] Those who...
There seems to be a belief going around among non-Christians (and even some Christians) that the book of Acts teaches that the early Church promoted a form of socialism or...
This November Americans will once again go to the voting booth to decide who the next president of the United States will be. It is very apparent that this election...
The best-selling book in America is the Bible,[1] and most homes in the country have at least one if not more. Yet, Americans know very little about it. Considering the...
Science Fiction is one of the most popular genres of entertainment today. We live in a technological world that contains a whole host of gadgets – from video games to...
Most Christians are concerned with the ruling of the Supreme Court concerning same-sex marriage. I believe it is very probable that persecution will come whether it is in the form...
The past few days have been rough for Bible-believing Christians. Those who reject same-sex marriage and homosexuality will become targets of anybody who hates historical Christianity. I have seen many...
As many of you are probably aware there have been two major events recently that concern visual representations of Muhammad throughout the United States. The first one, in Texas, ended...
The topic of Christian polygamy is controversial. Throughout this series I have been examining the arguments put forth by those who accept polygamy and have so far come to the...