The Roman census that appears in the second chapter of Luke (verses 1-5) is one of many criticisms of the Gospels. According to Luke, Emperor Augustus issued a census to...
The Gospel of Luke (2:1) records that before Jesus was born Emperor Augustus issued a census to be made throughout “the entire Roman world.” Bible skeptics have argued that this...
The Star of Bethlehem Explained – YouTube On a starry night two thousand years ago, a group of men known as the Magi set out to follow what they believed...
The above video is also available on Bitchute and Rumble. One of the most controversial passages in the Bible is Revelation 13:16-18. It is in these verses that we read...
In the introductory chapter of his best-selling book, Misquoting Jesus, Bible scholar Bart Ehrman recounts how he went from being a Christian to a skeptic. In his story, he mentions...
There seems to be a belief going around among non-Christians (and even some Christians) that the book of Acts teaches that the early Church promoted a form of socialism or...
Introduction The authorship of the Bible is a hot topic in both the scholarly and popular worlds. One of the most debated books in Scripture concerning its author is 2...
Revelation 17 is an important chapter in the study of the Antichrist. It describes a woman who rides the beast, the same beast of Revelation 13. In verses 9-11, the...
Revelation 13 is one of the most read chapters in Scripture concerning the Antichrist. It is here that we read about the False Prophet, the Mark, and Image of the...
There have been many different theories about the origins of the Antichrist, but the two most commonly held views today are that he will arise out of either Europe or...