The Christian Thinker

Posts filed under: The End Times

The End Times

Isaiah 17 and the Destruction of Damascus

The current unrest in the Middle East, especially ISIS and the civil war in Syria, has many Christians talking about the destruction of Damascus. Some believe that Damascus will be...

The Islamic Caliphate and the Antichrist

The Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS), or The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), has officially declared the creation of an Islamic Caliphate – a...

What will our Daily Lives be like in Heaven?

I personally believe that this series on life in Heaven is one of the most important topics I have written about. Everything about Heaven should change a Christian’s life. The...

Will there be Work and Cultures in Heaven?

So far in this series, I have discussed our resurrection bodies, our memories, and the environment of the New Earth. What about our daily lives? Since we will live forever,...

What will the New Heaven and New Earth be like?

In part 1 of this series about Life in Heaven, I began looking at what Scripture teaches us about the life to come. We have seen that after Christ returns...

Will we be Ourselves in Heaven?

What awaits us after death? To most, this question it is too frightening to think about, while to others, they cannot wait to know. For the Christian, the afterlife is...

Will the Antichrist rule the entire world?

Will the Antichrist rule the entire world? A common belief about the Antichrist is that he will rule the entire world. A majority of Christians think that he will bring...

The New Jerusalem Explained

The book of Revelation ends with one of the best scenes in all of Scripture: the New Jerusalem. The Great City appears in Revelation 21 and 22. Christians for two...

Is America in the Book of Daniel? (The Ideas of Irvin Baxter)

One thing that American Christians have interest in is whether or not the United States will have a connection to the Antichrist. Some believe that maybe the Antichrist himself will...

An Islamic Antichrist? – Part 8 (Revelation 13)

[The other articles in this series can be found here.] One of the most popular and well known chapters in the Bible is Revelation 13. It is here that we...