The Christian Thinker

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Will the Antichrist be an Alien?

Prophecy and UFOs. Both are topics that many of us have interest in and when you combine them together it makes them that much better. There have been many books...

Matt Walsh, God, and Aliens

Many of you who keep up with conservative bloggers have probably heard of Matt Walsh. He has a blog titled “The Matt Walsh Blog” and he has become an internet...

Is Christianity Child Abuse?

I’m sure most people have heard of or even watched the recent video put out by a feminist group that has little girls dropping the “f-bomb” for equal rights. This...

Does Jesus teach that all rich people go to Hell?

“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew...

The Decline of America and why the Church is partly to blame

The decline of America is something that all of us see happening around us, and we all have different opinions on why it is happening and how to stop it. The...

Could Vladimir Putin be the Antichrist?

The Antichrist is a topic that I have written about many times. I even have an article about the possibility of President Obama being the Antichrist. Besides him there have...