The Uniqueness of the Biblical God
General Essays
Many in the modern world believe that all religions are the same. Whether this means equally correct, that all religions lead to the same God, or are equally wrong, depends on the person whom you are speaking to. For at
God and the Problem of Evil
General Essays
The existence of evil is one of the biggest problems faced by a Christian worldview. It is perhaps the main reason why so many people do not believe in Jesus Christ. C.S. Lewis summarized the problem well when he said,
Where was the Garden of Eden?
Old Testament
What if I told you that the Garden of Eden cannot be located on a map today.[1] Of course, skeptics will agree. But I am not saying that the Garden cannot be found today because it was not a real
15 Basic Facts about the Bible
General Essays
The Bible is the most important book ever written. This is a statement that is not only accepted by Christians but by many non-Christians as well. Sadly, most in our culture know very little about the Bible. Here are some
Is God an Alien?
General Essays, Misc
Science Fiction is one of the most popular genres of entertainment today. We live in a technological world that contains a whole host of gadgets – from video games to cell phones, cars, and of course, rockets and spaceships. All
12 things every Christian should know about Heaven
The End Times
Every Christian should have their heart set on heaven. Here are 12 things that every single Christian should know about heaven. Some will be obvious while some may surprise you. I will be providing links to my previous articles on
The Roman census that appears in the second chapter of Luke (verses 1-5) is one of many criticisms of the Gospels. According to Luke, Emperor Augustus issued a census to...
It is a common belief among many Christians that during the apocalypse objects from space (like asteroids) will fall to the earth and cause massive destruction. In Revelation 6:13 we...
The Gospel of Luke (2:1) records that before Jesus was born Emperor Augustus issued a census to be made throughout “the entire Roman world.” Bible skeptics have argued that this...
This essay seeks to answer the common belief that the Bible contains two creation accounts in the book of Genesis that contradict each other. To put it bluntly, I do...
The Garden of Eden. It was here that the Bible records the creation of the first human couple, where Adam named the animals, and where the serpent tempted Adam &...