America and Christianity
Was Thomas Jefferson a Christian?
Was Benjamin Franklin a Christian?
Americans are biblically illiterate
Atheist admits that he doesn’t “want there to be a God”
Culture Wars
A Donald Trump Victory will not stop the Liberal Agenda
The Decline of America and why the Church is partly to blame
Why Are Conservatives Losing the Culture War?
Christians and Muhammad Cartoons
Is the Bible to blame for the recent fighting in Israel?
Christian Polygamy? (Part 1 of 4 – New Testament)
Christian Polygamy? (Part 2 of 4 – The Law)
Christian Polygamy? (Part 3 of 4 – The Law Continued)
Christian Polygamy? (Part 4 of 4 – The Polygamists)
Same-Sex Marriage and the Major Problem in Our Society
There is something good about the same-sex ruling
The Problem with Postmodernism and Relativism
Socialism and Communism
Does the Book of Acts teach Socialism?
Social Issues
UFOs and Aliens
UFOs and the Bible: Introduction and Theological Questions
UFOs and the Bible: Space Travel
UFOs and the Bible: Are Aliens Demons?