The Christian Thinker

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Does God Want People to Believe Lies?

Revelation 21:8 tells us that all liars will be thrown in to the lake of fire, yet Scripture records God putting a lying spirit into the mouths of the prophets...

Is Atheism a Religion?

A common belief among many atheists is that atheism is not a religion and has been proven to be true by science. There are a couple of reasons why they...

Can Christians Pray in Public?

Prayer is one of the most important parts of a Christian’s life. This is the way that believers communicate with God. It is no surprise then that some will use...

UFOs and the Bible – Are Aliens Demons?

[This is part three in a three part series. Click here for part one and here for part two.] In the first two parts of this series I discussed the...

Does Jesus Teach Christians to hate their Families?

Did Jesus teach you to hate your family? Luke 14:26 says, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers...