The Christian Thinker

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Kicking Jesus out of America

Christians have known for years that there has been a war against their faith, and there is plenty of evidence that this has been increasing in the past few years....

Is the New Testament Anti-Semitic?

During my freshman year of college I took a world civilization class. I will never forget that one of our required readings actually said that the New Testament authors were...

Did Jesus have an Evil Twin?

I have written many articles examining different theories to explain the resurrection as a non-historical event. In this article, I will examine two other theories that skeptics have put forward...

What is the Gospel?

Christians have been commanded to go throughout the world and preach the gospel to all people. But what exactly is the gospel? The word “gospel” means “good news.” But what...

Will the Antichrist be a Homosexual?

One of the most heated debates in our culture today is homosexuality. It is not surprising then that the topic has made its way into our discussion about the Antichrist....