The Christian Thinker

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Are the Gospels Anonymous?

When it comes to the authorship of the Gospels, a very common argument used against their reliability is that they are anonymous.[1] It is said that because the author is...

The Rapture, Revelation, and the Absence of the Church

When it comes to the study of the end-times, the natural go-to book in the Bible is Revelation. It is here that Christians come to study the tribulation, the return...

15 Basic Facts about the Bible

The Bible is the most important book ever written. This is a statement that is not only accepted by Christians but by many non-Christians as well. Sadly, most in our...

Americans are Biblically Illiterate

The best-selling book in America is the Bible,[1] and most homes in the country have at least one if not more. Yet, Americans know very little about it. Considering the...

There will be no churches in Heaven

Yep, you read that right. There will be no churches in Heaven. Some may think that is blasphemous, but it is in Scripture. Let’s begin with Revelation 21:22 – “I...