The Christian Thinker

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Daniel 11 and the Antichrist

The book of Daniel contains a lot of information about the End Times. One of the chapters that is debated concerning the Antichrist is the eleventh chapter. Some believe Daniel...

Daniel 8 and the Antichrist

The topic of the Antichrist is one of great interest. Exactly who he will be and where he will come from are some of the most asked questions among Christians....

Does the Book of Acts teach Socialism?

There seems to be a belief going around among non-Christians (and even some Christians) that the book of Acts teaches that the early Church promoted a form of socialism or...

Who Wrote 2 Peter?

Introduction The authorship of the Bible is a hot topic in both the scholarly and popular worlds. One of the most debated books in Scripture concerning its author is 2...

Revelation 17 and the Antichrist

Revelation 17 is an important chapter in the study of the Antichrist. It describes a woman who rides the beast, the same beast of Revelation 13. In verses 9-11, the...

Revelation 13 and a Muslim Antichrist

Revelation 13 is one of the most read chapters in Scripture concerning the Antichrist. It is here that we read about the False Prophet, the Mark, and Image of the...