The location for the origins of the Antichrist is a hotly debated topic among Christians. The popular beliefs teach that he will arise either out of a revived Roman Empire or even the United States. However, there are five biblical reasons why the Antichrist will not come from Europe or America, but instead he will come from the Middle East.[1]
1. The Islamic Caliphate is the only empire to fulfill the requirements of Daniel 2, 7 and Revelation 13.
Daniel 2 and 7 provide the reader with details about four great kingdoms that will emerge throughout history. The first three are generally seen as the ancient empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. Rome is usually thought to be the last kingdom. Thus, it is believed that the Antichrist will come from the area once ruled by Rome (some people try to squeeze America in there somehow). However, there are some major problems with Rome being the fourth empire.
First, the fourth kingdom is said to crush the first three empires (Daniel 2:40). Rome never did this. They never conquered Persia, most of the Greek empire, and held on to Babylon for only a very short period of time. Second, the fourth kingdom is symbolized by the legs of a giant statue in Daniel 2. The third kingdom, Greece, is presented as the bronze belly and thighs of the statue. The belly represents Alexander the Great while the two thighs are the two main kingdoms that emerged from Alexander’s mighty empire: the Seleucids and Ptolemaic Egypt.
The point is that the fourth kingdom (the legs) emerge from the two thighs (the Seleucids and Ptolemaic Empires). This is sometimes thought to have been fulfilled by the Roman Empire’s split into eastern and western empires (as the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires were east-west divisions of the Greek Empire). However, this does not match up with the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires because they were Middle Eastern. The divide between east and west would have been Syria and Iraq (around the Euphrates River), not the middle of Europe as with Rome. Rome simply does not match up geographically with Syria and Egypt. Instead, the fourth kingdom must cover the same general geography as the divisions of Alexander’s empire.
Both of these details (the “crushing” and the division between east and west in the Middle East) were fulfilled not by Rome, but only by the Islamic Caliphate which was a Middle Eastern empire (see maps). This is also important since the fourth kingdom in Daniel 7 and the beast in Revelation 13 are the same empire as the legs of iron in Daniel 2. The beast of Revelation 13 is a composite of the first three beasts of Daniel 7 (a lion, bear, and leopard) which were all Middle Eastern empires!

Islamic Caliphate in 661 AD. Notice that it covered the same basic area as Babylonian, Persian, and Greek Empires? (source:
2. Revelation 17 teaches that the Antichrist will come from a kingdom that exists after the Roman Empire.
Revelation 17 gives us some very interesting details about the kingdom of the Antichrist. The beast that appears in this chapter is the same beast that appears in chapter 13, and is thus the fourth kingdom in Daniel 2 and 7. However, chapter 17 reveals for us some additional information. Verse 9 teaches that the seven heads on the beast (which first make an appearance in 13:1) are seven kingdoms/kings. By the time John was writing Revelation five of them had fallen (generally believed to be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece) and the sixth was currently in existence (Rome). The seventh, however, was still in the future and the beast itself was an eighth king/kingdom.
Revelation 13:3 tells says that one of the heads had a fatal wound that was healed, and 17:11 says that the beast, the eighth king, belongs to the seven. The kingdom of the Antichrist is a revival of one of the first seven empires (the fatal wound that is healed indicates that one of the seven kingdoms will be healed/revived). The question is which one of the seven?
As I mentioned above the fourth kingdom of Daniel 2 and 7 is the kingdom of the Antichrist, so it must come after Greece which is the fifth empire in the sequence provided by Revelation 17. Since Rome is the sixth head, but is not the place of origin for the Antichrist, than it must be the seventh kingdom that will emerge at some point in history, decline, and then be revived during the end of days.
The Islamic Caliphate fits these details once again. The empire was founded after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. It existed as a dominant force (iron) from 632-750 AD. Afterwards it would slowly weaken until we see the conditions of the Middle East today (fitting the details of Daniel 2 very well).
3. Gog of Magog is the Antichrist and he comes from the Middle East.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 give details about an invasion of Israel in the last days. It is led by a man called Gog. It is commonly thought that he will be a Russian ruler who attacks Israel before or in the earlier part of the Tribulation. Instead there are many details on these two chapters that point to Gog actually being the Antichrist.
First, God calls the day of Gog’s invasion “the day of which I have spoken” (Ezekiel 39:8). Second, God calls Gog the Antichrist when he says, “Are you not the one I spoke of in former days…” (Ezekiel 38:17). Only the Antichrist is given any mention in the context of the end times.
Third, there are many similarities between Gog’s battle and Armageddon. For example, both Gog and the Antichrist are destroyed by an earthquake (Ezekiel 39:19-20; Revelation 16:18-20), both armies are stricken by plagues (Ezekiel 38:22; Zechariah 14:12; Habakkuk 3:3-6), both armies turn on themselves at the last hour (Ezekiel 38:21; Zechariah 14:13), and the call for the animals to come feast on God’s enemies (Ezekiel 39:17-20; Revelation 19:17-18). Fourth, both Gog and the Antichrist use peace to wage war (Ezekiel 38:12-13; Daniel 8:25, 9:27, 11:24).

This map shows us one of the popular interpretations of the nations in Ezekiel 38-39. However, it is not entirely correct. Rosh may or may not be a nation, but if it is, it should be placed in the western portion of Iran, not in Russia. Magog should be in Turkey. Source for map:
Lastly, certain details happen during the aftermath of Gog’s defeat such as 1) God’s name will no longer be blasphemed (Ezekiel 38:23, 39:7). How could this happen before the Antichrist when he will be the greatest blasphemer (Daniel 7:25). 2) The Gentile nations will come to know God (Ezekiel 38:23, 39:6-7). How can this occur before the Antichrist takes power when he will take over the Gentile nations and then demand to be worshipped? 3) The Jewish people are delivered (Ezekiel 39:25-28). How can they be delivered when the Antichrist is still to come and will be the worst persecutor of God’s people in all of history? 4) The Israelites will dwell in their land safely forever (Ezekiel 39:26). Once again, how can they dwell forever in safety if the Antichrist is still to come? 5) God will pour his spirit out on his people (Ezekiel 39:29; Zechariah 12:9-11). 6) Jesus himself will be present in the land (Ezekiel 38:19-20). See the article here for more. 7) The phrase “the Holy One in Israel” is only used here in Scripture. I noted in another article:
“Ezekiel 39:7 says that the Lord is the Holy One in Israel. This is the only time in the Bible that the phrase ‘the Holy One in Israel’ is used. The phrase ‘the Holy One of Israel’ is used numerous times, but the former phrase appears only here. Ezekiel seems to be making the specific point that God is actually in the land at the defeat of Gog.”
All of this is important since Gog comes from the Middle East (particularly the region known today as Turkey). Ezekiel 38:2-6 says that Gog will be from Magog and be a prince over Meshech and Tubal. Each of these places are located in modern-day Turkey, not Russia. Persia, Put, and Cush are Iran, Libya, and Sudan (all Muslim nations) and Gomer and Beth Togarmah are in Turkey as well. See the previous link for a more in-depth analysis of this.
4. Daniel 8 implies that the Antichrist will come from the Middle East.
Daniel 8 records a vision about the Medo-Persian and Greek empires. It also gives us a glimpse at Antiochus Epiphanes, the Seleucid ruler who harshly persecuted the Jewish people in the middle of the second century BC. However, there are details within the chapter that seem to point to a possible double fulfillment. Daniel 8:17, 19 speak about this vision ultimately being fulfilled during “the time of the end,” “in the time of wrath,” and “the appointed time of the end.”
Also, many of the details given about Antiochus also correspond with the known details about the Antichrist. Antiochus is seen by many scholars to be a type of Antichrist (think of foreshadowing). What is interesting is that Antiochus comes from the Seleucid Empire which as I noted earlier was a Middle Eastern empire. This could very well point to the place of origin of the Antichrist in the former Seleucid Empire which included the nations of Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, and regions east of Iraq. This corresponds with the origin place of Gog.
5. Daniel 11 places the origins of the Antichrist in the Middle East.
Daniel 11:36-45 is a passage that has caused a lot of debate. Does it refer to Antiochus Epiphanes or the Antichrist? The passage comes at the end of a section on the interaction of the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires. The verses prior to 36-45 concern Antiochus. However, many scholars believe that the section in question (36-45) fast forwards to the Antichrist. Here is a summary of the evidence:
“1) 12:1 uses the phrase ‘at that time’ to connect 11:36-45 to the resurrection and judgment of the dead. 2) 11:35-36 gives us the transition verse between Antiochus and the Antichrist by noting ‘until the time of the end.’ 3) Verse 36 says that the king will be successful until the ‘time of wrath’ is completed. Antiochus did not live during the ‘time of wrath.’ The Antichrist, however, will live during that period. 4) Verse 40 puts the passage ‘at the time of the end.’ 5) The life and career of Antiochus does not fit with the details of 11:36-45. 6) The descriptions of the king in verses 36-45 fit very well with what we know of the Antichrist. 7) 12:1 notes that a great time of distress will occur in connection with the events in 11:36-45. Jesus brings this up in Matthew 24:21 and adds that this great distress will never be equaled again. This time of distress had yet not happened by the time of Christ and he connects it with his second coming.”
All of this strongly implies that the Antichrist is the one in view and not Antiochus. This also points to a Middle Eastern origin for the end-time dictator. Why? The verses about the Antichrist flow naturally from the preceding section of Antiochus and the Seleucid realm (which is, once again, Middle Eastern). The passage even refers to the Antichrist as “the King of the North” which was a title for the Seleucid kings in Daniel. (Many people try to counter this with various arguments, but these criticisms have logical answers for them.)
In my opinion, Scripture points to a Middle Eastern origin for the Antichrist. Rome simply does not fit the details that the Prophets and Apostles provide us. I know many of you are thinking of some possible counter arguments such as Daniel 9:26, the Antichrist claiming to be god, or that the Islamic Antichrist theory is racist or even popular because of terrorism. These arguments fall apart upon close examination.
What do you think? Leave a comment below or on our Facebook page.
[1] This article is a summary of a series that I wrote on the Antichrist. Links to that series are found throughout this article. My sources can be found in those articles.
October 25, 2019 9:55 pmI think that the Antichrist will come from the Middle East and that he will be a Jew, the simple reason being, the Jews are still waiting for their Messiah because they didn’t accept Jesus as their Messiah and rejected Him, also prophesy throughout the old testament tells them the Messiah will come from the tribe of Judah, about the death & Resurrection of Christ, that his bones will not be broken nor His body go to rot, etc., so therefore the Jews will not & cannot accept anyone other than a Jew. I also could agree that he will be Islamic due to the fact that he uses the Islamic tactics to fool the Jews into feeling secure long enough to catch them off guard and then attack and try to annihilate all of the Jews in order to try and make God a liar.
March 13, 2020 3:27 amThe man of perdition will definitely be a Jew & a king of the JEWS. WHY? because he want to magnify himself as such -Jesus king of the Jews[Matt 27;37] but he will be opposite the most popular& WAS [1996] the 11th [elected king] 8th head [3 repeat office] 7th head before him has the fatal wound[Rabin] WAS NOT treads down 3 kings & returns WAS AGAIN [2009] returning without the honour of kingship [Livni won election] forms minority Government] & his name /number adds to 666 in Hebrew. which he has placed with his TEVA BIOTEC r/hand marking system on over 1/2 of the world [ India & China & more] he rules over the great Harlot Babylon which has the blood of the Prophets Saints & Jesus’s witnesses on it [Rev16;6 & 17;6 & 18;24]. Jesus’s witnesses[ Rev 11;8] to be murdered in JERUSALEM.The Saints Stephen & Paul both condemned Sanhedrin in JERUSALEM. Most of the Prophets beaten tortured & killed in JERUSALEM .God’s herald John the Baptist [Jesus’s cousin] murdered in Jerusalem.GOD”S MESSIAH SON MURDERED in JERUSALEM.Daniel 2 describes Judeah part of the divided kingdom under Rome from which the STONE was cut. Now reemerged 1947/48 [Dan 7] as united Israel again The anti Christ is Binyamin Netanyahu ; the Great Harlot is JERUSALEM & the Crimson [with the blood] Beast Is ISRAEL. ALL prophecy is about ,to & will be fulfilled through the children of ISRAEL……Pray for my family as only the remnant will be saved….pray for a large remnant please…….servant of Jacob called Israel.
March 24, 2022 6:54 pmRead your Bible again. Nathanyahu is not the Antichrist.
called Israel
November 29, 2022 2:02 amPlease Test & Consider what the Spirit says to me :-
Daniel 7 & 8 little horn are one & the same in Binyamin Netanyahu who when he came to 1st office as 11th king[male Prime Minister] & 8th head[male -of Government-3 repeat twice] ;5 were fallen[dead], one is -Shamir d.2014., one to come & did as caretaker king on the fatal wound of the 7th head-Rabin ,then as Pres .Perez. …also like leopard -native born Palestine ,different to ALL before..feet like bear -parents fromUSSR[ Lithuania] one of the ribs torn out of bear, speaks like lion – arrogantly bellows Hebrew & English- lion languages.
N.B **** These are the seven’ mountains’ on which the Harlot sits; Zion,Moriah, Ophel,Bezetha, Gareb, Acre & sacred bloodied Golgotha………..He [antiChrist]]-supplanter] will magnify himself equal to- the ‘Commander of the Host’ – Jesus Christ- Who is Matthew 27;37- ‘king of the Jews’. So is there one man of sin who has made himself a modern 11th king[Prime Minister]. & 8th head [ male; of Government 7th head fatally wounded-Rabin]. ….The answer is YES ! Does he fulfill ALL Prophecy ….YES ! …Sadly you do not understand as you have only some Prophetical Insight !…..please read on as HE has given me much….
Daniel 2; The feet & ten toes the divided kingdom under Rome from which the stone -Jesus Christ- is cut is Judah to the South & Israel to the North -both scattered in the Diaspora 70a.d -135a.d. It had ten toe foundation as only 10 of old Israel’s sons took up land in the Promised Land. Joseph died on the journey his family settled with Benjamin’s & Levi took none settling with ALL as Rabbis. They were part Rome & Jewish -St Paul the example…Jesus was not cut from the divided Roman kingdom as it did not exist…. The modern king/ horn / man of sin also magnified himself by changing his surname to make himself WHAT Jesus Is by name definition ; ‘the right hand son ‘-Hebrew.: Binyamin & ‘God’s Gift’ -Heb. Netanyahu .[was Mielekowsky -from out of the sky?-Deuteronomy fallen angel. This new name adds to 666 in old Hebrew Gemtria ……
If I have peaked your interest please read more of what the LORD’s spirit says:-
I write because’ those that mislead many’ will pay a heavy price -so BEWARE.
A little more you SHOULD know; Daniel 7- picture talk explained- in 1947 the Jews, mainly from USSR, approached the new United Nations to annex Palestine for the nation state of Israel. The Lion [United Kingdom] with eagles wings [USA] as one after their WW2 alliance were torn off when the USA sided with the Bear[USSR- with three ribs torn out-Estonia,Lithuania,Latvia]] who wanted to get rid of their troublesome Jews against the Lion- UK’s wishes to talk the [Arabic] Leopards four wings; Lebanon,Jordan Syria &Egypt into this Motion which when put before the U N was passed with one dissenting vote , the Lion;UK who was then made to walk on it’s own two feet as policeman until nationhood 1948 being repeatedly bombed by the Stern gang forerunners of Mid -East Terrorism. So travelling in S.E direction out of the nations[Lithuania-USSR] the BEAST that comes out of the [Mediterranean] Sea was born treading down ALL around it – i.e. the 4 Leopards wings.So the BEAST is reborn that murdered by demanded Roman Crucifixion God’s Messiah Son sent to redeem them..It comes out of the [Mediterranean] Sea.God has turned HIS Face from them since letting ALL that has befallen them until they recognise Jesus his ‘annointed one[Christ]’…..only a remnant will be saved sadly! Those that repent. Pray for a large remnant!
1948-1996 Ten kings/horns[P.Ms- male sons] that are 7 heads[of Govt] :- Gurion [x2 office], Sharett, Eshkol, Shamir[x2], Begin, Perez, Rabin [x2 killed in 2nd office by rumoured minor MOSSAD agent who would only operate under instruction by Head? – was Binyamin Netanyahu new incoming king- 12th P.M -one queen -Golda].
Why would I say my family Judah[now calling itself the lie of Israel -united] is the BEAST country…..Simple ;we murdered God’s Messiah Son sent to Redeem us![Matt27;25] of the murders of the Prophets whose blood was mostly shed in the Great City Harlot Babylon where also is the place where Jesus Last Two will be murdered outside satan’s[BIBI’s] ABYSS[Rev11;7-8] Synagogue [Ezekiel8] under the Dome of the Rock.-JERUSALEM .where also the first Saint Phillip was murdered setting the pattern for the evil false Prophet Popes….the Bible says even the elect [Christians] will be fooled & worship the BEAST & the Harlot….. which many do now!
WE are currently in the DELAY of the Last Week[Rev10;6] I believe……
You might think me anti-semetic for what I say but I tell you this unless they repent & recognise our Messiah Jesus they will not survive what will shortly come to pass- that is my aim to have them realise for a large Remnant !
Your prayers for my family would be appreciated by me & more especially my LORD Yeshu ha Moshiach…..
HE Lives…HE Speaks …the servant listens…in Christ ..old Messianic Jew..Shalom…just a very ordinary old man …..with a mission to save!. I have been cursed threatened & hated for HIS[Jesus] views….Blessings.
P.S Bibi’s 3rd? act of Parliament 1996 was to try to [but failed] ban the teaching of Christianity in Israel & for the last 2 years Bibi has tried to pass into LAW[but failed] marking ALL the children of Israel on the r/hand with his Teva Biotec r/hand micro-chip system as he already India & China where you can not trade without it.
Something else you may or may not consider but I hope you do :-Daniel 9;27 took place in the Great Synagogue Rome January 2016 between the false Prophet Pope Francis & the man of sin Netanyahu & the agreement made that day was broken 3.5yrs later when Bibi opened in June 2019 his false satan’s ABYSS[Rev11;7,8] Sacrifices started April 16th 2016… Synagogue [Ezekiel8] under the Dome of theRock [where I believe will be placed the Abomination weapon he brought back from the USA as special Ambassador early1980’s] consecrated with Pure Red Heifer sacrifice Mt of Olives September 2019-I’m sure you missed it!….also….. Concealed until the Time of the END -NOW[Dan12;9-ALL other old values false! i.e 42mnths, 1260day, 3.5yrs Totals….’.Time [‘the time of trial’-Jesus & HIS 2 Prophets Ministry- last half of the Final Week =3.5yrs] Times [x3.5yrs] & a half a Time[+1.75yrs] ‘=14years TOTAL. Dn7;25- ‘they [Israel] will be given into his [antiChrist’s] hand’ – BIBI’s reign WAS 1996 ..WAS NOT 1999 [subdues 3 kings per Dan 11].. WAS AGAIN 2009 until April 2019 election fail -powerless caretaker king until May2020 Gantz coalition until election fail March 2021 & removal June = 14years TOTAL -Prophecy fulfilled- now watch for Daniel 7;26 ‘court will called to judgement’ so he will never be able to return by popular vote[no honour of kingship] to the throne but he will return by unholy political alliance or Coup d’etat? for his final 42 months from when sworn in.In this time the New Temple will be built & the Last Two Prophets will come measuring. & battling the antiChrist & his unholy followers….Baruch Hashem……called Israel ….nothing is hidden except the Time of the Return …Shalom…. who controls the World’s Money &Trade -my family Judah [modern Israel]. . when the evil one has his last 42 mnths when sworn in things will I believe rapidly escalate……Shalom….old Messianic Jew……servant of Jacob
BIBI definitely is the Beast man..History X Bible =Truth! risk!
Pansy Blackwell
June 23, 2020 5:32 pmIn Ezekiel 38 and 39 Gog and Magog are killed. The antichrist comes after this. The antichrist background is a Protestant believe in God, this is located in Daniel 7 Middle East people are not Christian. Allah is God to them. Who can make war with the beast? No middle east country is a superpower. The little horn immigrated to the Americas. America is full of German ancestry. He is the King of the North. There is a North America. I am betting my money on the United States.
September 18, 2020 5:56 amPansy in one way you are correct because the man of sin was educated in America. I name him in the blog above yours. MIT was his college & his Tutor was the man who put his barcoded number[6;6;6; two beginning lines -two middle lines & two end lines in barcode] on everything you trade in- clever student probably invented it -teacher made a fortune out of it?Also the son of perdition is currently attempting to introduce through parliament marking the children of Israel with RfId chip in r/hand – pretty good sign. Netanyahu’s Godson is Jared Kushner Trump’s Son in Law- OH ! OH! …..BIBI is the anti Christ
Pansy Blackwell
September 18, 2020 2:21 pmThank you for replying. Few often do. I am finishing up a manuscript, i hope to get published. I cannot find any relevant book on Satan on the web sites. I am writing about his beginnings from Genesis to Revelation. I did research in the holy bible, KJV, social media, You Tube, and so forth. I found out why the beast uses the right hand, or forehead, Why he wants the world to take his mark, what it means, his motives, from the time he landed on earth. The beast will come from an aristocratic, religious background. He will be brilliant. very rich, successful, egotistical, insincere, deceiving, a liar. He will be good with numbers. Accountant, math teacher, or involved in some finance structure. He will definitely be a financial wizard. He has an obsessed with an ancient prophet. He originated from an unassuming Hebrew tribe. But that does not make him Jewish. the mark 666 is not his identification. He has another set of numbers. Infact he never was 666. He will be quite tall, He will rebuff women because he is incapable of devotion. There is a reason why he does not trust the opposite sex. He knows the bible form beginning to end, because of his background. He will have a biblical first name. His identity at this point is unimportant at this point, because the beast cannot just appear without a reason. He is not Putin, the Pope, Kushner, Obama, Trump, Edrogan, or any man at this point. He won’t appear until the midst of tribulation. So, the bible says, he won’t be revealed until something happens. i do have an idea when that will happen also. But what is startling is why he wrecks havoc on the evangelicals or saints. it is not for political, spiritual, or moral grounds. What i found out was just stunning. i was just stunned. I found out what the image of the beast is, and why he uses it, and the world, The devil follows a pattern. You just have to put the maze together. He has a description, and that is all we need to knows at this point. Oh, why the right hand has opposed to the left hand. The beast will be a secretive, handsome guy, Those around him will not like him, but through deceit and lies, he gets whatever he wants. There is a single reason for his madness and destruction. He will be unstoppable, until he destroys the nations.
called Israel
November 12, 2021 5:35 amThese are the seven mountains on which the Harlot sits; Zion,Moriah, Ophel,Bezeth, Cared, Acre & sacred bloodied Golgotha………..He [antiChrist]]-supplanter] will magnify himself equal to the ‘Commander of the Host’ – Jesus Christ- Who is Matthew 27;37- ‘king of the Jews’. So is there one man of sin who has made himself a modern 11th king[Prime Minister]. & 8th head [ male; of Government]. ….The answer is YES ! Does he fulfill ALL Prophecy ….YES ! …Sadly you do not understand as you have NO Prophetical Insight !…..please read on as HE has given me some….
Daniel 2; The feet & ten toes the divided kingdom under Rome from which the stone -Jesus Christ- is cut is Judah to the South & Israel to the North -both scattered in the Diaspora 70a.d -135a.d. It had ten toe foundation as only 10 of old Israel’s sons took up land in the Promised Land. Joseph died on the journey his family settled with Benjamin’s & Levi took none settlin with ALL as Rabbis. They were part Rome & Jewish -St Paul the example…Jesus was not cut from the divided Roman kingdom as it did not exist…. The modern king/ horn / man of sin also magnified himself by changing his surname to make himself WHAT Jesus Is by name definition ; ‘the right hand son ‘-Hebrew.: Binyamin & ‘God’s Gift’ -Heb. Netanyahu .[was Mielekowsky -from out of the sky?-Deuteronomy fallen angel. This new name adds to 666 in old Hebrew Gemtria [Rev13;18]……
If I have peaked your interest please read more of what the LORD’s spirit says:-
I write because’ those that mislead many’ will pay a heavy price -so BEWARE.
A little more you SHOULD know; Daniel 7- picture talk explained- in 1947 the Jews, mainly from USSR, approached the new United Nations to annex Palestine for the nation state of Israel. The Lion [United Kingdom] with eagles wings [USA] as one after their WW2 alliance were torn off when the USA sided with the Bear[USSR- with three ribs torn out-Estonia,Lithuania,Latvia]] who wanted to get rid of their troublesome Jews against the Lion- UK’s wishes to talk the [Arabic] Leopards four wings; Lebanon,Jordan Syria &Egypt into this Motion which when put before the U N was passed with one dissenting vote , the Lion;UK who was then made to walk on it’s own two feet as policeman until nationhood 1948 being repeatedly bombed by the Stern gang forerunners of Mid -East Terrorism. So travelling in S.E direction out of the nations[Lithuania-USSR] the BEAST that comes out of the [Mediterranean] Sea was born treading down ALL around it – i.e. the 4 Leopards wings.
1948-1996 Ten kings/horns[P.Ms- male sons] that are 7 heads[of Govt] :- Gurion [x2 office], Sharett, Eshkol, Shamir[x2], Begin, Perez, Rabin [x2 killed in 2nd office by rumoured minor MOSSAD agent who would only operate under instruction by Head- Binyamin Netanyahu new incoming king- 12th P.M -one queen -Golda].
Why do would I say my family Judah[now calling itself the lie of Israel -united] is the BEAST country…..Simple ;we murdered God’s Messiah Son sent to Redeem us![Matt27;25] of the murders of the Prophets whose blood was mostly shed in the Great City Harlot Babylon where also is the place where Jesus Last Two will be murdered outside satan’s[BIBI’s] ABYSS[Rev11;7-8] Synagogue [Ezekiel8] under the Dome of the Rock.-JERUSALEM .where also the first Saint Phillip was murdered setting the pattern for the evil false Prophet Popes….the Bible says even the elect [Christians] will be fooled & worship the BEAST & the Harlot….. which many do!
WE are currently in the DELAY of the Last Week[Rev10;6] I believe……
You might think me anti-semetic for what I say but I tell you this unless they repent & recognise our Messiah Jesus they will not survive what will shortly come to pass- that is my aim to have them realise for a large Remnant !
Your prayers for my family would be appreciated by me & more especially my LORD Yeshu ha Moshiach…..
HE Lives…HE Speaks …the servant listens…in Christ ..old Messianic Jew..Shalom…just a very ordinary old man …..with a mission to save!. I have been cursed threatened & hated for HIS[Jesus] views….Blessings.
P.S for the last 2 years Bibi has tried to pass into LAW[but failed] marking ALL the children of Israel on the r/hand with his Teva Biotec micro-chip system as he has already India & China where you can not trade without it….Shalom.
December 30, 2021 2:25 amFantastic article! And full of awesome links to more fantastic articles! =) I completely agree with your findings and conclusion here.
The Antichrist hates the Jesuit-controlled, jews-that-are-not (Rev. 3:9), masonic, Roman false prophet system. He is going to take the whole thing down soon after he comes on the scene:
Revelation 17 —
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Vance Tremaglio
May 29, 2023 7:26 amGreat article I feel bible interprets itself.In revelation 17:11And the beast that was because back then Roman empire swallowed up Grecian empire but within Grecian empire the seleucid part was swallowed up with it.And is not because it was swallowed up by Roman empire.Also the 8th revelations 13:2-3 and of the 7 the 1 horn or 1head in Daniel 8.It does not go out side the 7 heads it was in the past and its coming back in future it ruled as one of the heads in the past and a new system in future.Its a puzzle within a puzzle Roman empire gets revived but within the revived Roman empire the seluecid part rules it all.I feel in revelation 13:1 the Roman empire revives in verse 2 the seleucid section comes back to life,verse 3 wounded to death was when Roman empire in the past took it over and being healed to rule again in the future.Thank you for hearing me out.
May 24, 2024 8:06 amThe antichrist will come out of Turkey or will be associated with Turkey based on the following verses:
Revelation 2:112-13. It is the place of Satan seat (throne) and were he dwells. (At some point)
Revelation 13:1-2. The dragon (Satan) gives the beast (antichrist) his power, authority and seat (throne).
May 24, 2024 8:39 amThe antichrist is the king of the north. The Mideast is not the north. He arrives from the sea. The sea is not only not symbolic, but a career. The U.S. military. A Navy vessel. The eagles’ wings symbolize the U.S. military. The Navy and the Marines. America will be in a war, the man who draws up peace plans will be the antichrist. He comes in peace. He will then go on to lead the U.S. as their President. America is Babylon. After Babylon, the king of the north will exile in Egypt and so on to his homeland of Greece. The antichrist of Grecian heritage, and not Arabic. He will sabotage U.S. aircraft. The king of the north is that flying leopard with eagle’s wings. The Army, The Marines, The Airforce, and The Navy. The heads are the heads of each of those four military branches. Read The Truth about the Devil, and The Man with Ten Horns.
May 24, 2024 1:16 pmI will admit, you got the right part of the world correct, just the wrong country. Why no one never include Greece, anyway? It’s amazing. When the former President reaches the Mideast, America will not be a superpower. Read Daniel 7, 8, 11. She will be defeated from wars with China. America will not be included with the Mideast Peace deal. That is why America is never mentioned. As we all know, God will never allow a “Palestine.”
May 28, 2024 8:51 amYou don’t understand Revelation 13:1. It didn’t say anything about the Middle East. It said, “sea.” Furthermore, he is king of the north, not east.
Matt McClellan
May 29, 2024 2:27 pmWhere did you get your theory about the US President from? How did you arrive at this conclusion?
May 29, 2024 3:54 pmAfter he arrives out of the U.S. Navy Seal, he will come in peace, and deceive the very elect. He will be elected POS. There will be a war with China, Russia. He will lead the Navy into battle, and probably win accolades. And people will naturally want him for leader of the free world. but he will be anything but, with his many hidden agendas. He will set up peace accords. Read Daniel 7, 11. How else could he get this much power and influence, if he were not in a position of power? He comes with all power and might you know. With his Luciferian powers. He will be the king of the north, North America, North Pennsylvania AVE., the state of MD, where Annapolis is, in located in the north. He will rule in Babylon, the U.S. after he corrupts Babylon, Daniel 7, he will exile into Egypt, Daniel 11. Whereas he will entertain the king of the south. The last king of the south, not the first one. There are two kings of the south. China and US go to war over Taiwan, daughter of the south. The world and the US, gives up Taiwan, China will destroy Taiwan. It is time to ditch Taiwan. They will cause a nuclear war with China. HAVE YOU READ THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DEVIL, AND THE MAN WITH TEN HORNS. What are you afraid of ?
Matt McClellan
May 31, 2024 4:14 pmYou didn’t answer my question. How did you arrive at these conclusions? Please be specific.
June 10, 2024 9:47 pmIf you believe he is an Arab, then you don’t understand Daniel 11:36. Arabs represent Allah. The king of the north doesn’t respect any gods. He will exalt himself above all gods. So, how can he be a Muslim, a Pope? The antichrist is not going to worship Allah. If not, then, he is not of MIdeast descent.
Matt McClellan
June 13, 2024 12:37 amIt doesn’t say that he will respect no gods. Daniel 11:38 (two verses after the verse you mention) says that he will honor a god of fortresses (likely a god of war).
Matt McClellan
May 29, 2024 2:20 pmThe title “king of the North” referred to the kings of the Seleucid Empire which ruled Syria, Iraq, and other parts of the Middle East.
“Sea” is symbolic for the Gentile or pagan nations of the world.
May 24, 2024 8:48 amThe dragon was created by Lucifer, when he used his creation to war against Michael, and his angels. The dragon was created before Satan comes into existence. Not before. When the dragon failed to win the war, then Satan comes into power. Lucifer, dragon, Satan. All three will be cast into hell fire. Satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet. Where is the dragon? The dragon disappears, when antichrist is cast into hell. Hell has no power and decimates the dragon’s existence. But Satan lives on, for now. Satan and the dragon are not the same Lucifer did not create Satan he created the dragon.
November 10, 2024 5:07 pmIsrael alone was MORTALLY wounded (Ezekiel) and reborn. Islam wasn’t mortally wounded it’s still with us.
The destructive nature of Islam prevents it from having global power in our times.
Islam isn’t alive and well planning a one world order, athiest jews do. Islam has VERY VERY small percent 0.001% of the world’s food supply chain in its power NOW. You might care to look into who does.
Same with non-edible goods. Islam tries to open online global markets like anazon but that’s never going to happen. Islam doesn’t own every single news media on earth. But….
Islam is aligned with anti-Christ spirit but very few are in the halls of the pentagon, capitol, judge seats, banks, trading markets, entertainment and it’s devilish influence, heads of states except their own, but…
It’s here. Now. Daily emerging from the closet they once hid in behind puppets.
You have a bit of error in another article about revelation. You state when the Messiah comes Israel will be saved. No. 144,000 alone out of “as many as the sand”. The deniers will deny til He comes and will mourn their end because the will see in truth, the one they rejected. It’s NOT a happy day when they have to ask Him, “where did you get the wounds in your hands?”.
The one world order is going to do something so wicked, countries chase them to Israel and then attack them is my postulation. There’s never going to be a mass migration willingly, it’ll be under duress…like crashing global economies again as they did in 2008. Can’t see them loosing their global power tho. Not til armies march and indeed, the Messiah will come and as the book says, Israel mourns. There is no other group of people who so look down on their fellow man than the ones who ceased believing their God was great and instead, made it a doctrine that they are.
January 20, 2025 5:03 amTHE ANTICHRIST QUIZ:
1. Is there currently a great gentile king coming to power; not as a warmonger but as a peacemaker…and are world leaders and influencers everywhere embracing this man in a weird Svengali-type of way?
2. Is this same person both favorable to—and also loved—by the nation of Israel?
3. Has this person previously signed Israel to a (abominable) peace treaty with the Sunni Muslims (that violates God’s original Genesis 12 Abrahamic Covenant of safety and prosperity)…
4. …and is this exact same person now ready to strengthen that originally-signed agreement by adding other Sunni Muslim nations, to be packaged as a 7-year covenant, per the prophecy of Daniel 9:27?
5. Has this person already committed to help building the Third Jewish Temple…then, in recognition, has Israel honored him by having his image stamped on a 1/2-shekel Temple coin, to be used when the soon-to-be-built Temple is opened?
6. Has this person—a political outsider—had to claw and fight his way to power, even as the political establishment (aka the current New World Order) attempts to stop him (Daniel 11:27), even attempting assassination (Exodus 21:6)?
7. Has this person already proposed a global alliance between two Biblically- and eschatologically-geographic areas: THE WEST and THE EAST…thus creating a new, revised form of the ancient Roman Empire—“a new United Nations” (B. Netanyahu)—spanning from America to Australia?
8. Has this person created a future one-world religion, where (post-Rapture) Catholics, Jews and Muslims will find ecumenical harmony, under a central religious theme: Father Abraham?
9. Does this person already have access to the future 666 chip; and is there actual first-hand, eyewitness evidence to support this wild claim?
10. Has this powerful gentile king been recognized already by Jewish rabbis as Israel’s much-sought-after MESSIAH BEN-DAVID, been awarded the all-important CROWN OF JERUSALEM, and even been recognized by Israel as their PRINCE OF PEACE: an end times, Messianic title, meant only for Jesus?
CONGRATULATIONS! If you answered YES to all 10 questions—identifying Donald Trump as the soon-to-be-revealed ANTICHRIST—kudos. Even better if you’re Born Again, since you’re about to win a free trip outa here, real soon.
Bags packed?🤩
January 21, 2025 6:21 amDonald Trump is a very good candidate for being the anti-Christ. A liar, a thief, a cheater in golf/marriage/business, racist, rapist & treasonous enemy of democracy. And a cunt besides.