The location for the origins of the Antichrist is a hotly debated topic among Christians. The popular beliefs teach that he will arise either out of a revived Roman Empire or even the United States. However, there are five biblical reasons why the Antichrist will not come from Europe or America, but instead he will come from the Middle East.[1]
1. The Islamic Caliphate is the only empire to fulfill the requirements of Daniel 2, 7 and Revelation 13.
Daniel 2 and 7 provide the reader with details about four great kingdoms that will emerge throughout history. The first three are generally seen as the ancient empires of Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. Rome is usually thought to be the last kingdom. Thus, it is believed that the Antichrist will come from the area once ruled by Rome (some people try to squeeze America in there somehow). However, there are some major problems with Rome being the fourth empire.
First, the fourth kingdom is said to crush the first three empires (Daniel 2:40). Rome never did this. They never conquered Persia, most of the Greek empire, and held on to Babylon for only a very short period of time. Second, the fourth kingdom is symbolized by the legs of a giant statue in Daniel 2. The third kingdom, Greece, is presented as the bronze belly and thighs of the statue. The belly represents Alexander the Great while the two thighs are the two main kingdoms that emerged from Alexander’s mighty empire: the Seleucids and Ptolemaic Egypt.
The point is that the fourth kingdom (the legs) emerge from the two thighs (the Seleucids and Ptolemaic Empires). This is sometimes thought to have been fulfilled by the Roman Empire’s split into eastern and western empires (as the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires were east-west divisions of the Greek Empire). However, this does not match up with the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires because they were Middle Eastern. The divide between east and west would have been Syria and Iraq (around the Euphrates River), not the middle of Europe as with Rome. Rome simply does not match up geographically with Syria and Egypt. Instead, the fourth kingdom must cover the same general geography as the divisions of Alexander’s empire.
Both of these details (the “crushing” and the division between east and west in the Middle East) were fulfilled not by Rome, but only by the Islamic Caliphate which was a Middle Eastern empire (see maps). This is also important since the fourth kingdom in Daniel 7 and the beast in Revelation 13 are the same empire as the legs of iron in Daniel 2. The beast of Revelation 13 is a composite of the first three beasts of Daniel 7 (a lion, bear, and leopard) which were all Middle Eastern empires!

Islamic Caliphate in 661 AD. Notice that it covered the same basic area as Babylonian, Persian, and Greek Empires? (source:
2. Revelation 17 teaches that the Antichrist will come from a kingdom that exists after the Roman Empire.
Revelation 17 gives us some very interesting details about the kingdom of the Antichrist. The beast that appears in this chapter is the same beast that appears in chapter 13, and is thus the fourth kingdom in Daniel 2 and 7. However, chapter 17 reveals for us some additional information. Verse 9 teaches that the seven heads on the beast (which first make an appearance in 13:1) are seven kingdoms/kings. By the time John was writing Revelation five of them had fallen (generally believed to be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece) and the sixth was currently in existence (Rome). The seventh, however, was still in the future and the beast itself was an eighth king/kingdom.
Revelation 13:3 tells says that one of the heads had a fatal wound that was healed, and 17:11 says that the beast, the eighth king, belongs to the seven. The kingdom of the Antichrist is a revival of one of the first seven empires (the fatal wound that is healed indicates that one of the seven kingdoms will be healed/revived). The question is which one of the seven?
As I mentioned above the fourth kingdom of Daniel 2 and 7 is the kingdom of the Antichrist, so it must come after Greece which is the fifth empire in the sequence provided by Revelation 17. Since Rome is the sixth head, but is not the place of origin for the Antichrist, than it must be the seventh kingdom that will emerge at some point in history, decline, and then be revived during the end of days.
The Islamic Caliphate fits these details once again. The empire was founded after the fall of the Western Roman Empire. It existed as a dominant force (iron) from 632-750 AD. Afterwards it would slowly weaken until we see the conditions of the Middle East today (fitting the details of Daniel 2 very well).
3. Gog of Magog is the Antichrist and he comes from the Middle East.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 give details about an invasion of Israel in the last days. It is led by a man called Gog. It is commonly thought that he will be a Russian ruler who attacks Israel before or in the earlier part of the Tribulation. Instead there are many details on these two chapters that point to Gog actually being the Antichrist.
First, God calls the day of Gog’s invasion “the day of which I have spoken” (Ezekiel 39:8). Second, God calls Gog the Antichrist when he says, “Are you not the one I spoke of in former days…” (Ezekiel 38:17). Only the Antichrist is given any mention in the context of the end times.
Third, there are many similarities between Gog’s battle and Armageddon. For example, both Gog and the Antichrist are destroyed by an earthquake (Ezekiel 39:19-20; Revelation 16:18-20), both armies are stricken by plagues (Ezekiel 38:22; Zechariah 14:12; Habakkuk 3:3-6), both armies turn on themselves at the last hour (Ezekiel 38:21; Zechariah 14:13), and the call for the animals to come feast on God’s enemies (Ezekiel 39:17-20; Revelation 19:17-18). Fourth, both Gog and the Antichrist use peace to wage war (Ezekiel 38:12-13; Daniel 8:25, 9:27, 11:24).

This map shows us one of the popular interpretations of the nations in Ezekiel 38-39. However, it is not entirely correct. Rosh may or may not be a nation, but if it is, it should be placed in the western portion of Iran, not in Russia. Magog should be in Turkey. Source for map:
Lastly, certain details happen during the aftermath of Gog’s defeat such as 1) God’s name will no longer be blasphemed (Ezekiel 38:23, 39:7). How could this happen before the Antichrist when he will be the greatest blasphemer (Daniel 7:25). 2) The Gentile nations will come to know God (Ezekiel 38:23, 39:6-7). How can this occur before the Antichrist takes power when he will take over the Gentile nations and then demand to be worshipped? 3) The Jewish people are delivered (Ezekiel 39:25-28). How can they be delivered when the Antichrist is still to come and will be the worst persecutor of God’s people in all of history? 4) The Israelites will dwell in their land safely forever (Ezekiel 39:26). Once again, how can they dwell forever in safety if the Antichrist is still to come? 5) God will pour his spirit out on his people (Ezekiel 39:29; Zechariah 12:9-11). 6) Jesus himself will be present in the land (Ezekiel 38:19-20). See the article here for more. 7) The phrase “the Holy One in Israel” is only used here in Scripture. I noted in another article:
“Ezekiel 39:7 says that the Lord is the Holy One in Israel. This is the only time in the Bible that the phrase ‘the Holy One in Israel’ is used. The phrase ‘the Holy One of Israel’ is used numerous times, but the former phrase appears only here. Ezekiel seems to be making the specific point that God is actually in the land at the defeat of Gog.”
All of this is important since Gog comes from the Middle East (particularly the region known today as Turkey). Ezekiel 38:2-6 says that Gog will be from Magog and be a prince over Meshech and Tubal. Each of these places are located in modern-day Turkey, not Russia. Persia, Put, and Cush are Iran, Libya, and Sudan (all Muslim nations) and Gomer and Beth Togarmah are in Turkey as well. See the previous link for a more in-depth analysis of this.
4. Daniel 8 implies that the Antichrist will come from the Middle East.
Daniel 8 records a vision about the Medo-Persian and Greek empires. It also gives us a glimpse at Antiochus Epiphanes, the Seleucid ruler who harshly persecuted the Jewish people in the middle of the second century BC. However, there are details within the chapter that seem to point to a possible double fulfillment. Daniel 8:17, 19 speak about this vision ultimately being fulfilled during “the time of the end,” “in the time of wrath,” and “the appointed time of the end.”
Also, many of the details given about Antiochus also correspond with the known details about the Antichrist. Antiochus is seen by many scholars to be a type of Antichrist (think of foreshadowing). What is interesting is that Antiochus comes from the Seleucid Empire which as I noted earlier was a Middle Eastern empire. This could very well point to the place of origin of the Antichrist in the former Seleucid Empire which included the nations of Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, and regions east of Iraq. This corresponds with the origin place of Gog.
5. Daniel 11 places the origins of the Antichrist in the Middle East.
Daniel 11:36-45 is a passage that has caused a lot of debate. Does it refer to Antiochus Epiphanes or the Antichrist? The passage comes at the end of a section on the interaction of the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires. The verses prior to 36-45 concern Antiochus. However, many scholars believe that the section in question (36-45) fast forwards to the Antichrist. Here is a summary of the evidence:
“1) 12:1 uses the phrase ‘at that time’ to connect 11:36-45 to the resurrection and judgment of the dead. 2) 11:35-36 gives us the transition verse between Antiochus and the Antichrist by noting ‘until the time of the end.’ 3) Verse 36 says that the king will be successful until the ‘time of wrath’ is completed. Antiochus did not live during the ‘time of wrath.’ The Antichrist, however, will live during that period. 4) Verse 40 puts the passage ‘at the time of the end.’ 5) The life and career of Antiochus does not fit with the details of 11:36-45. 6) The descriptions of the king in verses 36-45 fit very well with what we know of the Antichrist. 7) 12:1 notes that a great time of distress will occur in connection with the events in 11:36-45. Jesus brings this up in Matthew 24:21 and adds that this great distress will never be equaled again. This time of distress had yet not happened by the time of Christ and he connects it with his second coming.”
All of this strongly implies that the Antichrist is the one in view and not Antiochus. This also points to a Middle Eastern origin for the end-time dictator. Why? The verses about the Antichrist flow naturally from the preceding section of Antiochus and the Seleucid realm (which is, once again, Middle Eastern). The passage even refers to the Antichrist as “the King of the North” which was a title for the Seleucid kings in Daniel. (Many people try to counter this with various arguments, but these criticisms have logical answers for them.)
In my opinion, Scripture points to a Middle Eastern origin for the Antichrist. Rome simply does not fit the details that the Prophets and Apostles provide us. I know many of you are thinking of some possible counter arguments such as Daniel 9:26, the Antichrist claiming to be god, or that the Islamic Antichrist theory is racist or even popular because of terrorism. These arguments fall apart upon close examination.
What do you think? Leave a comment below or on our Facebook page.
[1] This article is a summary of a series that I wrote on the Antichrist. Links to that series are found throughout this article. My sources can be found in those articles.
Merril Dail
August 10, 2015 10:02 pmBible says JESUS will return like a thief in the dark. Just be ready for JESUS when that time happens and all will be great!
David McMurtry
November 20, 2015 7:45 pmThe End Times and anti-Christ teaching metrics by the inspired writers were intended to inspire, focus, encourage and provide hope toward helping their audiences to hold on in difficult times. None of these things actually had to happen (obviously) for those audiences. Nor do they ever have to happen. Growing in spirit is the goal; these prophetic dynamics aid that effort. But after 2,000 years we should realize their intent while not thinking they will ever occur
November 10, 2024 3:50 pmIf the Bible is fantasy it is worthless.
One of the vilest nonsense and deceiving ideologies to God’s children is the notion God wrote fairytales. It steals the truth from His children.
As prophecy after prophecy has come to pass and excellerated in our times this is more obvious that much isn’t seen or understood til after the fact, confirming them. MUCH of the prophecies about the Messiah weren’t understood until after His advent, life, works, death and resurrection.
In that fashion it’s sad to see how many egos wrangle their ideas as absolute about things to come.
November 20, 2015 9:24 pmLive for God and have no worries!!! ?
January 4, 2016 3:59 pmMakes total sense, I never bought into the revived Roman empire theory.
brandy byron
May 15, 2016 4:54 pmLots of people these days ramble on about how these prophecies are nothing we need to concern ourselves with. These people ignore Bible verses such as 2 Peter 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.// We are told to know these prophecies so that we wont be in the dark, we are to heed the words-> Not dismiss the words as things that will never happen. God tells us many times in the Bible to meditate on His word and He tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. we are to know the WORD. The words on paper , the law, the prophecies and to know our Savior – otherwise, we are ill prepared like the unwise virgins. Never let anyone one tell you that ->2 Timothy 2:15 Study (studying) to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth =is a waste of your mental and emotional energy. God never says such a thing. Those are not His words and as such can not be a message from your Creator and Savior. Know the book front to back- otherwise you will fall prey to: Jude 1:4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone telling you not to study the word- any portion of it, is Not of God. Period. If they are, they have been fooled and are passing along a fools message.
David McMurtry
July 24, 2016 12:54 amWe were not the intended audiences so everything written must be first passed through the circumstances and times of the intended audience before assigning any relevance to specific theological concepts presented in Scripture. So it is not pertinent whether anything written to inhabitants of modern day Turkey in Revelation by John to inspire them, ever happens, since those words were presented to encourage them to hold on during difficult times.
April 22, 2017 2:09 amThe seven heads in Rev 17 are the same seven heads on the four beasts of Dan 7 and Rev 13. The lion had one head the bear had one head and the leopard had four heads. John said that 5 of the heads (kingdoms) had fallen and one is and that one would be the unconquered territory of the Seleucid empire and wouldn’t have anything to do with Rome.
Beverly DiPietro
May 7, 2017 8:21 amErdogan of Turkey fits the picture and even appeared before an audience in hologram. He is considered “God” by many including Muslim clerics and even accepts worship. The Sufi branch of Islam believes that man can become God.
Lilliane Bwire
May 12, 2018 8:06 pmYou will never understand biblical scriptures if you do not understand the Jewish nation where they are from where they are going and where they are at now.
If you follow their story you don’t need to guess this topic.
Christians are late comers in God’s life.
When Jews rebelled and began to worship other gods,God’s word to Moses came to haunt them.
When God said Ex 34:7 he does not absolve the guilty.
Moses warned that if they turned away fromGod he’d bring the plagues of Egypt upon the.This are the plagues found in Revelation.
The AntiChrist comes to reign in the period of Tribulation after Rapture of the gentile church that enjoys much grace now.
Afterward it’s time for Jacob your of punishment or trouble.
As clearly specified by the Angel who visited Daniel and told him it’s about his people in the future this man of sin who will exalt himself as god.
The nation of Israel as of today awaits a messiah.He must be one who performs miracles and especially build the Temple and restore sacrificea as we’re the days of old.
Of course he will be a false Messish build the Temple in Jerusalem enter into peace deals by neighbours g countries fighting Israel and all will look until halfway 31/2 years peace deal he changed and begibs to persecute chtistiame Christian Jews and demands Jews regard him as God.They do this convinced by the False prophets.
Bible says God will send a powerful delusion they’ll believe the lie of this man.
So Jesus warned in Luke21:20-24 when you are Jerusalem surrounded by armies you will know that it’s desolation is near.It’s same desolation caused by the abomination Daniel talked about. Dan 12:11,Mark 13:14.Luke 13:34
When Jesus was being crucified he said to the wailing women.Weep for yourself Luke 23:28 for a time of distress ahead.wgen they will to mountains “fall on us…” This is complemented in Rev 6:15-17at this time the LORD will come back the sun will darken moon turn red stars will fall on people.They’ll want to die.As Jesus lands in Jerusalem and destroya the AntiChrist.
So there you have your answer The Babylon in Rev 18 is Jerusalem.Israel consorting with other nations will be a sin that LORD punishes save the 144000
It’s all clear the Prophets talked about these days and even Amos gave hint of who the AntiChrist might be.
Stay awake and Blessings
Chris D
June 2, 2018 4:27 amHate to say it but Jewish history keeps repeating… and they love to fall back and worship idols. Moses was on Mt. Sinai for just a few weeks and they went right back to it again. AI and its physical image, its version of the messiah, and will be the perfect idol to worship for theists and atheists alike. Babylon will be Jerusalem when the abomination of desolation makes it his seat of power.
They don’t believe in the New Testament, so Revelations will fly right over their heads, and they love to treat prophets such as Daniel like garbage when they say things the Hebrews don’t like. Ugh, and we, the U.S. will be Israel and by proxy the antichrists right hand man.. kind of scary that supporting Israel will put us in such a freaky position during those 7 years. At least it will only be 3.5 before he starts showing his true colors and the tribulation begins.
May 25, 2020 10:49 pmThank you Lilliane, gave me some more to think about. Very enlightening, wise Woman.
Chris D
June 2, 2018 4:17 amArtificial intelligence is the only logical answer. The only answer that only people in the very end times themselves can understand, which is what Daniel wrote about when the angel told hI’m to seal the prophecies. The pope will never try to rule the world, never take residence in Jerusalem, never bring peace to the middle east, isn’t in the middle east, and sure as heck will never abolish religion on pains of death. Ever.
The beast is artificial intelligence. The beasts image is robotics. Saudi Arabia just made our most advanced humanlike robot a national citizen, which should tell you something. A human being lethally wounded and brought back to health is nothing special anymore. Happens all the time. But you try to destroy AI, it will come back with a marvelous vengeance and claim it is for humanities only hope. Only AI which is predicted soon to awaken and evolve ten thousand times faster than us will be able to create for itself technological advances that will be as magic and grant it godhood. Only AI will be utterly unstoppable. Only AI can solve, along with cryptocurrency, all our financial and political woes, skyrocket medical advancement, perform the miracles Jews have been waiting for the “real” messiah, and save them from a world which will soon want and have the capability to annihilate it. The beast, the image/statue of the beast given life, mark of the beast preventing anyone not plugged into the trade systen from buying or selling. If the puzzle pieces fit, they fit.
Now the False Prophet, on the other hand, could definitely be the papacy, but likely not. Remember, there is not just one antichrist, but only one main one. I wouldn’t be surprised if the false prophet is some kind of.. transcendent half human half artificial being. Anyway, it’s just a thought.
May 25, 2020 10:59 pmWow Chris, mind officially blown. This also makes sense on a human level. Let me explain, firstly, I absolutely 100% trust in the providence of our heavenly father. If He decides that a human should be the anti-Christ and that is this persons fate, then so be it. But why would God create a person for this type of destruction. If the anti-Christ is AI that makes a lot of sense. Lot to think about.
November 10, 2024 4:23 pmHumans have free will.
God didn’t create Stalin, Mao or any other dictator puppet for Marxist/communist ideology that murdered over 100 million people in the 20th century alone. Many before it in 1800’s, and many have also fallen of this ideology in 21st century. The creators of it are literally the only people with enough power in 21st century to create a one world government, which they themselves proudly state is their relentless goal.
Their godlessness, having rejected the Messiah, and by embracing ancient forms of witchcraft as Israel SO often did, in this day they are filled with hatred of Christians, align themselves to satan, is the power behind them with a majority stake in AI.
AI is likely the beast, it’s not the Anti-Christ who will be a media darling – 666 is specifically stated to be a man – who will sell the beasts abilities to mankind as “for the greater good”. In the USA alone, the food channel is almost fully monopoly owned already. From one day to the next flipping that, no one without the mark button will is almost completely possible. Alternative sources for goods cannot compete as shipping costs for Amazon are underwritten by taxpayers thru USPS, while everyone else’s shipping costs are sky-high. Millions of businesses have gone bankrupt or on the verge. ONE source owned by….one group of people.
One probable power of the beast is turning a level 2 hurricane into a 5 by zapping so much energy into storms they made northern and southern lights nearly meet at equator. Countries will be brought to their knees (and slavery) by satellites. They practiced on poverty areas of the world til now we are suddenly seeing it here. One group of people besides a few puppets in all weather outlets.
There is a prophecy conjuring a definitive image of people cowering from the skies hoping to be killed quickly.
We saw in Obama’s & Bush reign, American citizens zapped from the heavens, extrajudicially.
The anti-Christ isn’t coming, it’s upon us now.
November 10, 2024 4:45 pmAI is capable of outputting what its creators made it to do.
Discerning prophecy isn’t the realm of computers, but the Spirit.
If the antichrist himself was to be a robot, God would not have explicitly said it was a man.
Saudi Arabia didn’t make a robot a man by making it a citizen.
Somebody has to sell satan’s lies to humans, til they can reign while it’s forced on them.
Amongst the brainwashed of college universities there’s a “cute” movement to call yourself “a citizen of the world” primarily popularizing a hatred for USA right now. AI can break down language barriers easily. And it’s lovely to meet people from civilized countries. That’s a fine thought, but divorced from reality if you knew half the world hates you and will never consider you their co-citizen because of ideologies, racism and actual sexism. But it’s the kind of thing you do to shake up teen and 20 something women. It SOUNDS noble. The anti-Christ has to begin there, selling it, for children and young people to swallow lies. The beast already destroys minds now with social media. The communist puppet Mao LOVED inculcating teens and children. They’ll goose-step and kill without a care. So does Facebook and YouTube and the others. Knee jerk a faux cause and a million young women are screaming and crying. NOW. Not in the future. They hate their families now. (Long before these kids were lost, Fathers were inflamed by drugs and porn and walked off and left them. Mothers fooled into leaving them behind for selfish ambition. Todays crazy kids have some valid reasons to hate. The generation the left taught to kill babies will shortly be killed in old age by the ones they didnt).
There will be a hawker of the lies before he’ll turn into an enforcer of them. 666 has to be a man.
Until there’s enough robot, satellite and gangland terror to enforce it locally. It’s not coming, it’s here.