The Christian Thinker

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Bethlehem, the Birth of Jesus, and Luke’s Census

The Roman census that appears in the second chapter of Luke (verses 1-5) is one of many criticisms of the Gospels. According to Luke, Emperor Augustus issued a census to...

Asteroids, Meteors, and the End Times

It is a common belief among many Christians that during the apocalypse objects from space (like asteroids) will fall to the earth and cause massive destruction. In Revelation 6:13 we...

Did Caesar Augustus order a universal census? (Luke 2:1)

The Gospel of Luke (2:1) records that before Jesus was born Emperor Augustus issued a census to be made throughout “the entire Roman world.” Bible skeptics have argued that this...

Are there Two Creation Accounts in Genesis?

This essay seeks to answer the common belief that the Bible contains two creation accounts in the book of Genesis that contradict each other. To put it bluntly, I do...

The Garden of Eden Explained

The Garden of Eden. It was here that the Bible records the creation of the first human couple, where Adam named the animals, and where the serpent tempted Adam &...

Was Thomas Jefferson a Christian? (New Essay)

[Author’s note: This is the second essay that I have written about the religious beliefs of Thomas Jefferson. Some readers of the first article strongly disagreed with my conclusion that...

Will Heaven be Boring?

Transcript for the video: Many people believe that eternity will be boring because a perfect world will not keep their interest forever. One way that I have heard it said...

The Star of Bethlehem

The Star of Bethlehem Explained – YouTube On a starry night two thousand years ago, a group of men known as the Magi set out to follow what they believed...

The Importance of Angels

The topic of angels can be a difficult one. In his theology textbook, Millard Erickson says, “When we come to the discussion of angels, we are entering upon a subject...

Who is the Angel of the Lord?

As you are reading through the Bible you will come across someone referred to as “the Angel of the Lord.” This angel is a topic of debate among Christians. Who...

The Christian View of Heaven

This video essay introduces the biblical teaching that Heaven will be this earth restored to a world reminiscent of Eden. Heaven is not a spiritual realm in the sky nor...

The Uniqueness of the Biblical God

Many in the modern world believe that all religions are the same. Whether this means equally correct, that all religions lead to the same God, or are equally wrong, depends...

The Problems with Postmodernism and Relativism

One of the most popular beliefs in America today is something called relativism. Often referred to as postmodernism by many, relativism is the “general denial of objective truth.”[1] Those who...

The Mark of the Beast

The above video is also available on Bitchute and Rumble. One of the most controversial passages in the Bible is Revelation 13:16-18. It is in these verses that we read...

What is Negative Theology?

Christian history has had its share of false teachings. From full-blown heresies to just plain old bad doctrine, there have been many things that Christians have believed that contradict Scripture....

Bart Ehrman and the problem of Mark 2:26

In the introductory chapter of his best-selling book, Misquoting Jesus, Bible scholar Bart Ehrman recounts how he went from being a Christian to a skeptic. In his story, he mentions...

Why did God punish Adam and Eve?

Why did God punish all of humanity for one sin that Adam and Eve committed? This sin was simply eating some fruit. How could a loving, just God bring down...

Why are Christians so Interested in the End Times?

It is no secret that a majority of evangelical Christians are very interested in the End Times. Although some believers do not take an interest in this subject, most tend...

Daniel 11 and the Antichrist

The book of Daniel contains a lot of information about the End Times. One of the chapters that is debated concerning the Antichrist is the eleventh chapter. Some believe Daniel...

Daniel 8 and the Antichrist

The topic of the Antichrist is one of great interest. Exactly who he will be and where he will come from are some of the most asked questions among Christians....

Does the Book of Acts teach Socialism?

There seems to be a belief going around among non-Christians (and even some Christians) that the book of Acts teaches that the early Church promoted a form of socialism or...

Who Wrote 2 Peter?

Introduction The authorship of the Bible is a hot topic in both the scholarly and popular worlds. One of the most debated books in Scripture concerning its author is 2...

Revelation 17 and the Antichrist

Revelation 17 is an important chapter in the study of the Antichrist. It describes a woman who rides the beast, the same beast of Revelation 13. In verses 9-11, the...

Revelation 13 and a Muslim Antichrist

Revelation 13 is one of the most read chapters in Scripture concerning the Antichrist. It is here that we read about the False Prophet, the Mark, and Image of the...

Why does God allow Christians to suffer?

The reality that God allows Christians to suffer is one of the most difficult things about being a Christian. Believers all around the world and throughout all the ages have...

Daniel 7 and the Antichrist

Daniel 7 is one of the most important chapters concerning the Antichrist. It is here that we find the four infamous beasts that take center stage in end-time prophecy. These...

God and the Problem of Evil

The existence of evil is one of the biggest problems faced by a Christian worldview. It is perhaps the main reason why so many people do not believe in Jesus...

Daniel 9:26 and a Muslim Antichrist

Daniel 9:26 Is perhaps one of the most important verses that are used as proof that the Antichrist will come from a revived Roman Empire. However, as I have noted...

2 Thessalonians 2:4 and the Antichrist

There have been many different theories about the origins of the Antichrist, but the two most commonly held views today are that he will arise out of either Europe or...

Will God Destroy the World?

In an earlier essay (see here), I presented the argument that Heaven is a restoration of this earth.[1] That is, the New Heaven and New Earth will not be a replacement for...

Is Faith Blind?

One of the most common beliefs about religion in the modern world is that faith is blind. That is, faith is not based on scientific or rational thought, but is...

Where will Gog of Magog Come From?

In another article, I presented the argument that Gog of Magog is the Antichrist.[1] That article laid the groundwork for our current topic: Where will Gog come from? The most...

Is Gog of Magog the Antichrist?

One of the most controversial figures in the prophetic texts of the Bible is Gog of Magog.[1] Appearing in Ezekiel 38 and 39, he is presented as invading the land...

Daniel 2 and the Antichrist

One of the most interesting and popular topics about the End Times is the identity and origin of the Antichrist.[1] Scripture does not give us a lot of information about...

Did Jephthah Sacrifice his Daughter?

One of the major arguments put forth against Christianity is that it is backward and barbaric. Arguments in this category range anywhere from the injustice of hell, the presence of...

Where was the Garden of Eden?

What if I told you that the Garden of Eden cannot be located on a map today.[1] Of course, skeptics will agree. But I am not saying that the Garden...

Heaven according to the Bible

What comes to your mind when you think of Heaven?[1] Floating around on some clouds playing harps; wearing nothing but white for all eternity? These are only a few of...

A Donald Trump Victory will not stop the Liberal Agenda

This November Americans will once again go to the voting booth to decide who the next president of the United States will be. It is very apparent that this election...

The Rapture and 1 Corinthians 15

Whenever you study the question of the rapture, you are bound to run into 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. In these verses Paul says, “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will...

The Rapture in Revelation 3:10

One of the most well-known verses in the Rapture debate is Revelation 3:10. This verse says, “Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you...

Are the Gospels Anonymous?

When it comes to the authorship of the Gospels, a very common argument used against their reliability is that they are anonymous.[1] It is said that because the author is...

The Rapture, Revelation, and the Absence of the Church

When it comes to the study of the end-times, the natural go-to book in the Bible is Revelation. It is here that Christians come to study the tribulation, the return...

15 Basic Facts about the Bible

The Bible is the most important book ever written. This is a statement that is not only accepted by Christians but by many non-Christians as well. Sadly, most in our...

Americans are Biblically Illiterate

The best-selling book in America is the Bible,[1] and most homes in the country have at least one if not more. Yet, Americans know very little about it. Considering the...

There will be no churches in Heaven

Yep, you read that right. There will be no churches in Heaven. Some may think that is blasphemous, but it is in Scripture. Let’s begin with Revelation 21:22 – “I...

Is God an Alien?

Science Fiction is one of the most popular genres of entertainment today. We live in a technological world that contains a whole host of gadgets – from video games to...

The Rapture and 1 Thessalonians 4

The rapture is perhaps the topic most likely to cause a heated debate among believers. Say something even casually about it and you’re almost guaranteed to create some chaos. Everyone...

Is the Great Falling Away happening right now?

A topic that comes up often in discussions about the end-times is an event that is sometimes called “the great falling away.” It is common knowledge among those who study...

Is the Antichrist also known as the Assyrian?

The identity of the Antichrist has always been a hot topic among Christians. I have written an entire series that discusses the possibility that the Antichrist will come out of...

Is Russia in Bible Prophecy?

I have been debating with myself on whether or not to cover this topic.[1] The most sensitive subject to bring up with other Christians is the End Times. Especially in the...

The Ten Horns of the Beast

One of the most interesting details about the end-times is the ten horns of the beast. The ten horns are ten kings/ten nations that will form an alliance with the...

Attention Christians: Please be Careful with the Blood Moons

The four blood moons of 2014-2015 have been a huge topic among Christians for a few years now. Some Christians believe that they have something to do with the End...

Christians should be excited about the End Times

I’m sure many people have noticed that a lot of Christians are connecting the current situation in the world to the End Times and the rise of the Antichrist. If...

King David’s Famine: A Bible Contradiction?

Bible critics like to teach that Scripture is filled with contradictions. It is thought that if the Bible contradicts itself then it is not trustworthy. One alleged contradiction occurs in...

Five Reasons why the Antichrist will come from the Middle East

The location for the origins of the Antichrist is a hotly debated topic among Christians. The popular beliefs teach that he will arise either out of a revived Roman Empire...

Bad Arguments that are used against a Muslim Antichrist

There are some arguments that I see used against the belief in a Muslim Antichrist that are just plain bad. First, I have heard people say that it is hateful...

12 things every Christian should know about Heaven

Every Christian should have their heart set on heaven. Here are 12 things that every single Christian should know about heaven. Some will be obvious while some may surprise you....

There is something good about the same-sex marriage ruling

Most Christians are concerned with the ruling of the Supreme Court concerning same-sex marriage. I believe it is very probable that persecution will come whether it is in the form...

Same-Sex Marriage and the Major Problem in Our Society

The past few days have been rough for Bible-believing Christians. Those who reject same-sex marriage and homosexuality will become targets of anybody who hates historical Christianity. I have seen many...

Were the Prophecies of Daniel 2 and 7 fulfilled before the Birth of Christ?

The End Times is one of the most popular subjects in Christian circles. Within eschatology (the study of the end times), the prophecies found in the book of Daniel are...

Christians and Muhammad Cartoons

As many of you are probably aware there have been two major events recently that concern visual representations of Muhammad throughout the United States. The first one, in Texas, ended...

Does the Bible condone paying for a bride like property? (A look at the Bride-Price)

Throughout Scripture there are events, customs, and many other things that are generally seen as backward to a modern reader. One of these appears in Genesis 34:12, Exodus 22:16, and...

Christian Polygamy? (Part 4 – The Polygamists)

The topic of Christian polygamy is controversial. Throughout this series I have been examining the arguments put forth by those who accept polygamy and have so far come to the...

Christian Polygamy? (Part 3 – OT Law Continued)

In part 2 of this series, I examined the teachings of Leviticus 18:18 and Deuteronomy 17:17. In the first part, I looked at what Jesus and Paul said about the...

Christian Polygamy? (Part 1 – New Testament)

The institution of marriage seems to be in the public eye all the time today. Usually, it is with the topic of same-sex marriage, but there are other ways that...

Christian Polygamy? (Part 2 – OT Law)

In the first article[1] in this series, I discussed if the teachings of Jesus and Paul had any insight to the issue of polygamy. In my opinion, they did, and...

Daniel 2: the First or Second Coming of Christ?

The book of Daniel is perhaps one of the most read books in the Bible. The obvious reason is its connection to end-time prophecy. In Daniel, we have sections concerning...

King Saul’s Contradiction

Almost everywhere they look in Scripture skeptics believe they have found a contradiction. In this article I want to look at an alleged contradiction concerning Saul, the first God appointed king...

Was Jesus Created? (A Look at Colossians 1:15)

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” Colossians 1:15 This is one of those verses in Scripture that can cause confusion. This verse seems...

Could the Antichrist come from a Nation that does not exist yet?

The origins of the Antichrist is perhaps one of the most popular topics among Christians. Over the years there have been many different theories ranging from an Antichrist that lived...

Do the Gospels Contradict each other on the Birth of Jesus?

The birth of Jesus Christ is one of the most important events in history.[1] So important that we celebrate it every year at Christmas. Out of the four Gospels, only...

Why should Christians pray to God when He already knows everything?

Prayer is one of the most important parts of the life of a Christian (or at least it should be), as it is the method that Christians use to communicate...

Will the Antichrist be an Alien?

Prophecy and UFOs. Both are topics that many of us have an interest in and when you combine them it makes them that much better. There have been many books...

Matt Walsh, God, and Aliens

Many of you who keep up with conservative bloggers have probably heard of Matt Walsh. He has a blog titled “The Matt Walsh Blog” and he has become an internet...

Is Christianity Child Abuse?

I’m sure most people have heard of or even watched the recent video put out by a feminist group that has little girls dropping the “f-bomb” for equal rights. This...

Does Jesus teach that all rich people go to Hell?

“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew...

The Decline of America and why the Church is partly to blame

The decline of America is something that all of us see happening around us, and we all have different opinions on why it is happening and how to stop it. The...

Could Vladimir Putin be the Antichrist?

The Antichrist is a topic that I have written about many times. I even have an article about the possibility of President Obama being the Antichrist. Besides him there have...

ISIS and the Antichrist

ISIS and the Antichrist. Two very important topics, and many wanton know if they are related. For a while now a terrorist group known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) or...

God will give you more than you can handle

Every Christian goes through heartache. Whether it is the death of a friend or loved one, disease, persecution, or a number of other things, we all come to a point...

I cannot wait for the End of the World

What did you immediately think about when you read that title? Did you think “this person is crazy?” Or did you agree with it? Let’s pretend I asked you, “Can...

Biblical Evidence for a Middle Eastern Antichrist

The origin of the Antichrist is a hotly debated topic within Christianity. The most common belief is that the Antichrist will come from a revived Roman Empire. However, there is...

Do we become Angels in Heaven?

Do we become Angels in Heaven? I’m sure that this is something that every Christian has heard before. This belief seems to be common among children although many Christian adults...

Atheist admits that he doesn’t “want there to be a God”

“I speak from experience, being strongly subject to this fear myself: I want atheism to be true and am made uneasy by the fact that some of the most intelligent...

Is the Bible to blame for the recent fighting in Israel?

Joel Baden, a professor of Hebrew Bible at Yale Divinity School, recently wrote a blog at CNN. In it he accuses the Bible for the most recent violence between Israel...

Isaiah 17 and the Destruction of Damascus

The current unrest in the Middle East, especially ISIS and the civil war in Syria, has many Christians talking about the destruction of Damascus. Some believe that Damascus will be...

The Islamic Caliphate and the Antichrist

The Islamic State of Iraq and al Sham (ISIS), or The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), has officially declared the creation of an Islamic Caliphate – a...

What will our Daily Lives be like in Heaven?

I personally believe that this series on life in Heaven is one of the most important topics I have written about. Everything about Heaven should change a Christian’s life. The...

Will there be Work and Cultures in Heaven?

So far in this series, I have discussed our resurrection bodies, our memories, and the environment of the New Earth. What about our daily lives? Since we will live forever,...

What will the New Heaven and New Earth be like?

In part 1 of this series about Life in Heaven, I began looking at what Scripture teaches us about the life to come. We have seen that after Christ returns...

Will we be Ourselves in Heaven?

What awaits us after death? To most, this question it is too frightening to think about, while to others, they cannot wait to know. For the Christian, the afterlife is...

Will the Antichrist rule the entire world?

Will the Antichrist rule the entire world? A common belief about the Antichrist is that he will rule the entire world. A majority of Christians think that he will bring...

The New Jerusalem Explained

The book of Revelation ends with one of the best scenes in all of Scripture: the New Jerusalem. The Great City appears in Revelation 21 and 22. Christians for two...

Is America in the Book of Daniel? (The Ideas of Irvin Baxter)

One thing that American Christians have interest in is whether or not the United States will have a connection to the Antichrist. Some believe that maybe the Antichrist himself will...

When did Jesus cleanse the Temple?

There seems to be no end in sight to the allegations that the Bible is full of discrepancies. One of the more famous contradictions appears in the gospels where Jesus...

Peter and the rooster’s crow: A Contradiction?

After Jesus had been arrested, Peter was confronted by people who identified him as a follower of Jesus. When confronted, Peter denied that he even knew who Jesus was. It...

An Islamic Antichrist? – Part 8 (Revelation 13)

[The other articles in this series can be found here.] One of the most popular and well known chapters in the Bible is Revelation 13. It is here that we...

Working all things together for the good of a Christian? (A look at Romans 8:28)

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). This verse is one...

Do the Gospels have an Agenda?

Are the gospels biased? Did the authors have an agenda when writing about Jesus? Since many assume we cannot trust politicians with an agenda, then we cannot trust the gospels...

Can we really ask for anything in Jesus’ name?

Prayer is a very important part of a Christian’s life. Yet there are some misconceptions concerning it. One of these is found in John 14:13-14: “Whatever you ask in my...

Is Money the Root of All Evil?

“For the love of money is the root of all evil.” 1 Timothy 6:10 One of the most sensitive subjects to discuss is money. Many people will do almost anything...

“I Can Do Everything” – A Look at a Commonly Misunderstood Bible Verse (Philippians 4:13)

There are many different passages in Scripture that are commonly misused and misinterpreted. One of these is Philippians 4:13 – “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”...

Misunderstood Passage: Jeremiah 29:11-13 and the Promise of Prosperity

Everyone misinterprets a passage of Scripture at some point (sadly, many do this quite a bit). Usually we will read into a passage what we want to see, while at...

Can Christians know they are going to Heaven?

If you were to ask most people if they knew they were going to heaven most would answer yes. But, there are also those who believe that a person cannot know for certain...

Misunderstood Prophecy? The Increase of Travel and Knowledge (Daniel 12)

One of the most common beliefs among Christians is that there will be an increase of travel and knowledge during the end times. This is thought to have been fulfilled...

Do Small Children and Infants go to Heaven?

One of the worst experiences that parents can have is the death of a small child. Along with this is that some parents will have children who are mentally handicapped....

Do Animals go to Heaven?

One of the best joys a person can experience in this world is an animal. God created all the different kinds of animals for his glory and for mankind’s enjoyment....

What Happens to People Who Have Never Heard of Jesus?

One of the most asked questions, whether it’s by Christians or non-Christians, is what happens to people who have never heard of Jesus? The Bible teaches that only by believing...

Is Death a Blessing in Disguise? (Genesis 3:24)

One of the clearest teachings in Scripture is that death is an enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26).[1] Death was not a part of God’s original plan, but was introduced when Adam...

Is God different in the Old and New Testaments?

Is God different in the Old and New Testaments? When I was in high school I had an interesting conversation with a friend about religion. While we talked he said...

Does God Want People to Believe Lies?

Revelation 21:8 tells us that all liars will be thrown in to the lake of fire, yet Scripture records God putting a lying spirit into the mouths of the prophets...

Is Atheism a Religion?

A common belief among many atheists is that atheism is not a religion and has been proven to be true by science. There are a couple of reasons why they...

Can Christians Pray in Public?

Prayer is one of the most important parts of a Christian’s life. This is the way that believers communicate with God. It is no surprise then that some will use...

UFOs and the Bible – Are Aliens Demons?

[This is part three in a three part series. Click here for part one and here for part two.] In the first two parts of this series I discussed the...

Does Jesus Teach Christians to hate their Families?

Did Jesus teach you to hate your family? Luke 14:26 says, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers...

UFOs and the Bible: Space Travel

[This is part two in a three part series. Click here for part 1 and here for part three.] In part 1 of this series, I wrote about how popular UFOs...

UFOs and the Bible: Introduction and Theological Questions

[This is part one in a three part series. Click here for part two and here for part three.] This past summer I finally sat down and watched The X-Files....

Do the Gospels Misquote Jesus?

One of the biggest criticisms to the reliability of the Bible is that it is filled with contradictions and inconsistencies. Bible Scholar Bart Ehrman once said that the Bible “is...

Does Genesis teach that the Moon gives off its own light?

A common problem that skeptics like to point out is that Genesis 1:15 seems to teach that the moon emits its own light. This, of course, contradicts the knowledge we...

Lot and his Daughters

Probably one of the most memorable things that I saw while in college happened during my senior year. It was the beginning of the school year when I saw a...

Why is there so much Killing in the Bible?

During my senior year of high school, I took a Bible Literature course. While I was in another one of my classes, two other students (one of whom was in my...

Why does God get Jealous?

Is it wrong to be jealous? For many people, jealousy is always an evil. That is why so many people are confused when the Bible teaches that God gets jealous....

A God of War or a God of Peace?

Exodus 15:3 says, “The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is his name” (NIV). The New King James Version translates “the LORD is a warrior” as “the LORD is a...

Is God Arrogant?

Is God arrogant? This is one of the arguments that critics of Christianity will use against the faith is that God is selfish and arrogant. Richard Dawkins, perhaps the most famous...

How Many Sons did Abraham have? A Look at an Alleged Bible Contradiction

Genesis 22:2 says, “Then God said, ‘Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love…’” Yet Genesis 16 records how Abraham became the father of Ishmael. In fact, it...

The Antichrist, the Islamic Caliphate, and the Seven Heads of the Beast

One of the most popular topics among Christians is the Antichrist (aka, the Beast). The most common belief is that the Antichrist will come from Europe, or maybe even America....

Why did God command Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?

We have all heard stories about parents who have murdered their children and gone on to defend their actions by claiming that God told them to do so. Whenever we...

Do Christians in Heaven Watch Over Us?

A popular belief among some Christians is that our loved ones who have died (and other Christians) watch over us from heaven (if they went to heaven). You may hear...

Are there Contradictions in the Sermon on the Mount?

The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most famous sermons in the Bible and in history. In this sermon Jesus taught that the poor in spirit will inherit...

Was Benjamin Franklin a Christian?

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is one of the most popular of America’s founders. He is well known for helping to draft the Declaration of Independence and taking part in the Constitutional...

Kicking Jesus out of America

Christians have known for years that there has been a war against their faith, and there is plenty of evidence that this has been increasing in the past few years....

Is the New Testament Anti-Semitic?

During my freshman year of college I took a world civilization class. I will never forget that one of our required readings actually said that the New Testament authors were...

Did Jesus have an Evil Twin?

I have written many articles examining different theories to explain the resurrection as a non-historical event. In this article, I will examine two other theories that skeptics have put forward...

What is the Gospel?

Christians have been commanded to go throughout the world and preach the gospel to all people. But what exactly is the gospel? The word “gospel” means “good news.” But what...

Will the Antichrist be a Homosexual?

One of the most heated debates in our culture today is homosexuality. It is not surprising then that the topic has made its way into our discussion about the Antichrist....

Was John Adams a Christian?

John Adams (1735-1826) was the first vice president and second president of the United States. He helped draft the Declaration of Independence and is considered one of America’s greatest founding...

Do Ghosts Really Exist?

Ghosts can be found in virtually every culture in every time period.[1] From the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh to the modern classic A Christmas Carol ghost stories have entertained millions of people throughout history. In...

Where is Armageddon?

The Battle of Armageddon is perhaps the most famous battle that anyone has ever heard of. Interestingly, it has not happened yet. We learn of this great battle in Revelation...

Does the Bible Teach that Jesus is God?

Is Jesus God? Most people believe that Jesus was just a good man. Many of them will even think that Jesus was an extraordinary teacher and very well may be...

Did Jesus Survive the Crucifixion?

Skeptics have for two thousand years been coming up with theories on how to explain the resurrection of Christ in a naturalistic way. A popular one today is the swoon...

The Character of the Antichrist

When Christians talk about the Antichrist, the discussion almost always results in the topic of where the Antichrist will come from. Everyone is always interested to know exactly what nation...

Was Thomas Jefferson a Christian? (Old Essay)

This essay has been rewritten. See here for the new version. Americans have, just like every other citizen of every nation, a great sense of pride about their country’s history...

Do Thieves Go to Heaven? (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

Can a thief or any other kind of sinner go to heaven? Take a look at 1 Corinthians 6:9-10: “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the...

Why Are Conservatives Losing the Culture War?

Brannon Howse, founder of Worldview Weekend, opens his book, Grave Influence, with the following words: “We’ve lost the culture war. I wish I could tell you otherwise and go happily...

Hell in the Old Testament

When studying the topic of hell in the Bible, one will naturally go straight to the New Testament. However, for a study about hell to be complete, we also need...

Romans 8:18-25 – A Passage of Hope

Most Christians have a favorite verse or passage in the Bible. I have a few myself, and I want to tell everyone about one of them today. In my opinion,...

Are Christians to Act Like Children? (Matthew 18:2-3)

Take a look at the following verses. “He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change...

Was Joseph of Arimathea a Myth?

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is criticized in almost every way imaginable. One of the most recent arguments is that Joseph of Arimathea, the man who buried Jesus, was made...

Did Moses Write His Obituary? (Deuteronomy 34)

The first five books of the Bible (Genesis – Deuteronomy) were written by Moses during the 40 years of wondering in the desert. This is taught in the Old and...

Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus – A Contradiction of Kings?

The Gospel of Matthew begins with a genealogy connecting Jesus back to Abraham, the father of the Jewish people. Matthew starts Jesus’ story with this list of names because he...

When Did God Create the Stars? (Job 38:4-7)

According to Genesis 1:16 God created the stars on the fourth day. This was after he created the earth. However, in Job 38:4-7 God says, ““Where were you when I...

Can God Be Tempted?

Some people think that there is a contradiction concerning the topic of whether God can or cannot be tempted. Look at the following verses:...

The Importance of Genesis

One of the most important books in the Bible is Paul’s epistle to the Romans. In this letter we find the basic theology for the Christian faith. Take a look...

Will Hell be Literal Fire?

One of the many things that Christians learn about hell is that it is a place of fire. Jesus talks about “eternal fire” (Matthew 25:41) and the book of Revelation...

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Dog Ate It

In 1994, Time Magazine reported that Bible scholar John Dominic Crossan believed that the body of Jesus was laid in a shallow grave and some wild dogs came along and...

An Eye for an Eye

When I was in high school I remember some students putting up a poster board which read: “An eye for an eye only makes the world blind.” The implication is...

The Unforgivable Sin

Matthew 12:31, Mark 3:29, and Luke 12:10 tell us that there is an unforgivable sin. Jesus says in Matthew “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be...

Hell in the Book of Revelation

I have previously written about the teachings of Jesus and Paul on the topic of hell. Both of them clearly teach that hell will be eternal and an utter place...

The Death of Judas Iscariot

The Gospel of Matthew says that Judas Iscariot died by hanging himself (27:5). However, when we read Acts 1:18 Peter says something different: “…he fell headlong, his body burst open...

What about the Guards at Jesus’ Tomb?

In two previous articles, I taught that Jesus’ body could not have been stolen or moved. In these two articles, I willingly left out one piece of evidence – the...

Hitler vs Jesus: Why Our Worldviews Matter

During World War II, one of the most heinous crimes in history took place – the Holocaust. The Holocaust was the systematic, state-sponsored mass-genocide of six million Jews in Europe...

Bible Contradictions – A Sense of Relationship

Many skeptics believe that the Bible is untrustworthy. This is a common belief in today’s world. One of the major reasons why is because most people (including some Christians) believe...

What did the Apostle Paul teach about Hell?

Last week, I wrote about the teachings of Jesus on the eternal destination of those who will reject him. Jesus taught about the reality of hell, and that it will...

Was the Body of Jesus Moved?

The Resurrection of Jesus is one of the most debated topics in history. The evidence for the resurrection is always coming under attack, and many different theories trying to explain...

Will the Antichrist be Resurrected?

There are a wide range of beliefs about the Antichrist. Opinions differ on where he will come from, what religion he will ascribe to, and other aspects of his nature...

What did Jesus teach about Hell?

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Many of you know who this man is, but maybe not his name. Dodgson was the real name of Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice in Wonderland...

Three Days and Three Nights

Matthew 12:40 says, “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, the Son of Man will be three days and three nights...

Is President Obama the Antichrist?

I’ll never forget a student coming up to me with his cell phone and keying in Obama’s name on the number pad. O =6; b = 2; a = 2;...

Was the Body of Jesus Stolen?

Was the body of Jesus stolen? In a previous article, I outlined the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many people, however, will immediately reject that evidence. Instead, they...

Who Made God?

Modern science teaches us that the universe had a beginning, and Christians understand that God was the one who created the universe and everything in it (Genesis 1:1). This naturally...

Heaven and Evolution

Many may be scratching their heads because I am using heaven and evolution in the same title. What you will learn today is that heaven is one of the best...

The Inscription on the Cross

In previous articles, I have written that many critics of Christianity believe that there are many contradictions in the Bible. This is a serious charge since the Bible claims that...

The Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most important event in history. It is so important that it is the only way a person can be saved. Romans 10:9 says,...

Evolution and the Nature of God – Part 2 of 2

In part 1 of this series, I argued that the theory of evolution contradicts the very nature of the God of the Bible. If evolution is true, then God cannot...

Evolution and the Nature of God – Part 1

I previously wrote that Jesus Christ was a young-earth creationist. Sadly, regardless of what Jesus taught about the age of the earth, many Christians are absolutely keen on teaching that...

Judging Others

One of the most common criticisms that a Christian will encounter is “who are you to judge someone else’s beliefs?” Our world is becoming full of people who believe in...

Jesus and Creationism – Part 2

In part 1 of this two part study, I showed that Jesus clearly believed that Adam and Eve lived at the beginning of creation, not billions of years afterwards like...

The Ancestors of Jesus: A Contradiction?

One of the most common contradictions that skeptics claim that exists in the Gospels is the discrepancies between Matthew and Luke’s genealogies of Jesus. Matthew (1:2-16) begins his gospel with...

Jesus and Creationism – Part 1

Jesus and Creationism. What do you think about this subject? The creation vs. evolution debate is one of the most heated topics in the world today. Did God create us...

Does God Change His Mind?

The belief that the Bible contradicts itself is very popular among non-Christians. One of these contradictions is that God changes his mind. How could an all-knowing God change his mind?...

Why did God create the universe so big?

One of my favorite things to do is to look up at the stars on a clear night.[1] For me, and many people throughout history, the stars are a confirmation...

What is the Present Heaven like?

Every Christian at one time or another will ask the question “where do Christians go when they die?” Of course, the answer is heaven. But as we have seen throughout...

Heaven and the Meaning of Life

As I have written in another essay, I believe that our eternal home will be on this earth (see here). This current world will be purified and turned into a sinless...

What will the Resurrection Body be like?

The resurrection body is one of the most important topics in Scripture. This resurrection, as scholar Cornelis Venema says of it, is “the restoration and renewal of the whole person,...